chapter 35

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The Wuwan people rushed from Pan County to Zhuolu County, which would take about seven to eight days. During this period, Yuan Li first welcomed a group of trusted individuals who had come from Bohai.

This group consisted of about thirty individuals, precisely the thirty elite guards that Yuan Li had brought with him from Luoyang.

They all had determined expressions, their exposed skin sunburned and peeling, but they had hurriedly made their way without stopping, delivering the refined salt weighing three hundred jin (around 150 kilograms) to Yuan Li.

The person leading the team was Meng Yanyi, the guard whom Yuan Li hadn't seen in a long time. He clasped his fists and said, "We have fulfilled our mission, my lord."

When Yuan Li arrived in Youzhou, he had taken three hundred troops with him.

These troops were all outstanding talents trained by him using modern military theories. Yuan Li had taught them literacy, basic farming, and medical knowledge. Each of them held a deep gratitude towards Yuan Li, possessing unwavering loyalty.

Yuan Li supported Meng Yanyi and said with satisfaction, "You have all worked hard."

He immediately ordered his men to bring food and drinks to Meng Yanyi and the others, arranged for a skilled physician to treat their sunburns, and provided ice blocks to cool their rooms. Everything was arranged properly.

After the trusted individuals had settled down and started to rest, Yuan Li summoned Chu Hechao and Yang Zhongfa.

These two individuals happened to be together, and when they heard Yuan Li calling them over, they exchanged a glance and eagerly approached.

As soon as they entered, Yang Zhongfa curiously asked, "Young Master Yuan, do you have something good again?"

Upon entering, Yang Zhongfa was the first to notice a bulging sack placed on the table in front of Yuan Li. The sack's opening had been torn, revealing white, snowflake-like substances.

Yang Zhongfa asked curiously, "Did you grind the ice into powder?"

But upon closer inspection, it didn't resemble powdered ice.

Chu Hechao strode forward and stood by the table, observing for a while. Suddenly, he reached out, took a pinch of the substance, and smelled it. Not detecting any scent, he put it in his mouth.

The next moment, Chu Hechao stood frozen in place.

Shock flashed across his face as he incredulously lowered his head to look at the sack's contents.

Yang Zhongfa grew increasingly curious and quickly approached. "What is this, General?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Zhongfa couldn't contain his impatience and also took a pinch to taste. The unmistakable salty flavor quickly spread in his mouth, instantly dissolving without any trace of bitterness. Yang Zhongfa widened his eyes and looked at Yuan Li in disbelief. "My goodness, is this... is this salt?"

He was so excited that his beard trembled, and he lowered his voice in an instant. "Is there such pure, snow-white salt in the world?!"

Chu Hechao also gazed intensely at Yuan Li.

Under the intense gaze of the two pairs of eyes, Yuan Li didn't keep them in suspense and nodded firmly, admitting, "Yes, this is indeed salt!"

Chu Hechao's throat tightened. "Very good."

He stared at the fine salt and suddenly smiled.

Yang Zhongfa took a sharp breath and couldn't speak for a while. After realizing what it was, overwhelming joy swept over him. He burst into hearty laughter, forcefully pounding the table. His face turned red as if he were drunk. He took another pinch of salt and put it in his mouth, contorting his face from the saltiness, but his eyes brightened more and more. "Great salt! Wonderful salt! The taste of fine salt is much stronger than coarse salt, and there's not even a hint of bitterness. Even the Emperor has never tasted salt like this!"

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