Chapter 7 : Forgiveness

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The news of Leonard's daring confrontation with Polar had reached the television screens of George, Leonard's father, and his assistant and butler Alfred. Unaware of Leonard's involvement, they watched the live broadcast in shock, thinking Leonard was engrossed in his college project.

However, George's world turned upside down when Leonard, masked and victorious, spoke the exact words he had once shared with his son. In an instant, George realized the truth—his son was the mysterious masked-man. Alfred asked him, "what happened Sir?"

Terrified, George told him that the naked man on screen was Leonard. Alfred couldn't believe his words. Both men were scared and confused about what could be done. Panicking, they decided against contacting the police to avoid any complications for Leonard.

As the media covered the aftermath at the factory, George and Alfred saw the devastation and caught a glimpse of Polar. The terror that unfolded left them horrified, especially witnessing the fate of the once-mighty A-class hero.

Leonard, wounded and fearing the consequences, hesitated to return home. He dreaded facing his father but knew that hiding was no longer an option. Bracing himself, Leonard finally arrived home, where George and Alfred rushed to his side. He felt unconscious as soon as George held him. George, holding his injured son, felt Leonard's exhausted and battered weight on his lap.

With great care, they carried Leonard to his room. George, astonished by what he observed, began treating his son's wounds. To his disbelief, Leonard's injuries had already started healing and that too with a very unnatural speed. The accelerated healing process astonished George, who couldn't comprehend the extraordinary recovery.

Finally, after two days of rest, Leonard opened his eyes. The room was familiar yet filled with an unspoken tension. George, eager for answers, sat by his son's bedside. Leonard, still grappling with the aftermath of his actions, met his father's gaze.

The silence between them was profound, and George, torn between anger and concern, couldn't bring himself to broach the subject immediately. Leonard, aware of the turmoil within his father, began to speak, "I never meant for any of this to happen, Dad."

To this George angrily replied, 

"what was it you didn't mean Lenny? What exactly was it?

You thought that you would face an A-class hero head on and you would come back unscratched? There is a very little difference between bravery and stupidity son. And what you did that day was very very wrong. You know you can get arrested for it? "

Leonard replied in a defensive tone, 

"but dad, I had no other choice. Nobody would believe me if I told them about polar's true nature. You have seen how he let that girl die that day without any second thought and he also left you to die. I had no choice but to confront him myself and make him pay for his crimes. "

To this, George replied in a frustrated voice, 

"Who are you to serve justice Lenny? And what would have happened if your plan to fight him by shunning his powers had failed? Did you have any backup plan or was your backup plan to die at his hands?"

George continued, "Yesterday they were talking about the two brothers on TV. Have you given any thought about what would have happened to them because of your reckless actions? They could've died Lenny and so could you. I thought you were mature enough to understand that our actions have repercussions. I did not expect this from you."

Leonard replied, "But dad, someone had to stand up to him."

George, now disappointed at his son, said, "yeah Lenny, but that someone should not have been you. You were reckless and foolish. You didn't even have any superpowers to challenge him. If your plan to entrap him would've failed then I would have never seen you again son. Do you even understand my concern?"

Leonard, understanding that his father is angry because of his concern towards his son, told him,   "but I got my powers dad, I defeated him. I know my actions were reckless and I know the kids suffered a lot because me and they could've died because of my actions. I also understand your concern. But dad, weren't you the one who taught me to be kind? Who taught me to do the right thing even when the whole world was against it?. You said that a hero is someone who makes the choice to do the right thing. And that's what I did."

Hearing this, George now started to calm down a little and tried to understand his son's side.

Leonard continued, " When I looked further into polar's life, I found that the girl you tried to save was not his first collateral damage. There have been many victims of his actions previously. But nobody could do anything about it. He kept hurting innocent people in the name of saving them. He had done more damage to the society than any E-class villain would do."

George and Alfred were shocked to hear all of this. They kept listening as Leonard was describing Polar's evil deeds.

Leonard then said, " And that's not the worst detail about Polar. You remember the news about kids without superpowers being abducted from school. When I started following Polar, I found that the gang that kidnapped those kids actually worked for Polar. He was sending those kids to some lab for experiments. I heard them talking with my own ears."

"Why didn't you tell the cops about it then?" asked George to Leonard.

To which Leonard replied, "Even the police are involved in this dad. I saw them meeting with Polar regarding the complaints raised by the abducted kids' parents. Polar paid them to keep quiet. I saw all of this but couldn't record it anywhere. And without proper evidence I couldn't even go to the other cops or GHA for help."

George said, "Then you could've told me about it Lenny."

Leonard replied, "If I would've come to you, would you have let me do this? No right? And what could you have done dad? There was nothing else to do about it. Trust me dad I thought a lot about it. There was no other way. Polar was going to send a shipment of 100 kidnapped children to that lab in a few days. I had no other choice but to stop him."

Leonard continued, "I couldn't have lived if I had let all of that happen to those innocent kids. I understand my plan was reckless, but it was necessary. What happened afterward and how those kids came into the factory that night was unpredictable but I take full responsibility for my actions. But I am your son, dad. You have taught me to be kind and always help others. If I know some innocent lives are going to get hurt then doing nothing about it goes against my principles and it also goes against your teachings."

"So if you wish to punish me, I won't say a word. If you get me arrested, I still won't utter a single word. But Please don't hate me dad. Please don't ever think that I am some kind of a criminal" said Leonard with tears in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Alfred was left at a loss of words. George however was teary eyed after hearing what all things Leonard had been through in the past few weeks.

However, he chose to remain silent and now show his emotions. He had understood that his son did the right thing and by doing so he had also saved many more lives.

But he didn't want to tell Leonard that he had forgiven him since he wanted to make him regret and think about his reckless actions that day.

So he just simply got up and said,

" I won't hate you Lenny. Neither will I have you arrested. But I want you to repent for your actions. You have received powers now Lenny. It's not a gift but a responsibility. Now you can't be reckless anymore. People will trust you now, they will have faith that you will save them. Your very slight actions will have huge impacts on people's lives. So you must start being responsible."

Leonard finally said, "Yes dad. I understand. Can I ask you something dad, Have you forgiven me?"

George replied,

" Not yet Lenny. I used to think that I was your friend and you also considered me your friend. But I was wrong. I am your father. I can't forgive your actions like a friend. I have to make you understand your mistakes like a father. So I can't forgive you just yet. But I am proud of you. You saved many lives without thinking about your own. So for that, I am proud of you son. But you must reflect on your actions."

After saying this, George left.

Leonard started crying like a child after hearing those words from his father. Alfred then consoled him by giving him a hug.

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