Chapter 2

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As the months pass, Alastor and (Y/N) have grew closer and closer. Both kids have introduced each other to their parents, well... excluding Alastor's Father, so he waited until he was out in work. Which happened to be a few Saturdays' ago. His Mother absolutely loved (Y/N) and was proud of her son for making his first best friend in school. She knew it would've been hard for him for being a mix-race and wears glasses and all of that shit, but she knew for a fact that if your friends with Alastor, you won't regret it. (Y/N)'s parents were cautious at first since this could make (Y/N) get bullied, but they have noticed her change of happiness for the better.


They were now both 15 years old and were getting into the year of school where final exams will take place. Well... Studying more and taking mock tests. Alastor found this easy as pie while (Y/N) struggled with most of the subjects.

"(Y/N)?" Alastor walked over to a shaking girl who was sat on their usual wall at the school field. "What's the matter?" He sat down next to, placing a hand on her shoulder in a form of comfort.

"I am worried that I will fail these tests. My parents aren't strict, but still..." (Y/N) sniffed and leaned against him as he moved his hand to around her waist, holding her close. He wasn't very fond of these close touches, but he didn't mind the occasional times where it meant to make his best friend feel better, and when he felt like he needed these moments too.

"They're just some stupid tests. All you have to do is try your best. After all, you're more than capable of passing." They smiled at each other and started to each their lunch, looking at the view of the tress, bushes and plants below, just outside the school grounds. "The view is nice. Think of all the animals running in the forest right now."

"Yeah... Probably fearing of being hunted by the horrid people who hunt them for no reasons." (Y/N) sighed sadly again. "I wish I could prevent." Alastor gave her a sad look before sighing himself, making her look at him.

"You know... We could walk through there during the holidays and check up on them?"


"Sounds like a plan then."


And that is what has happened with them. They were walking through the forest, a week into the Summer Holidays and saw a small stream and some lizards and snakes among the taller grass. (Y/N) admired the animals, but Alastor didn't seem to fully care about them.

(Y/N) gasped and started to run forwards towards a male deer who had been caught in a bear trap.

"Oh, poor thing!" As she got close to the deer a gunshot was heard.

Alastor gasped and saw (Y/N) fall to the floor.

"(Y/N)!" He ran over to her and held her, ignoring the cries of the deer and the hunters shocked expression. "H-Hey... You're okay!" He saw where the shot had hit her. Her hip. Thankfully, it didn't hit a vital part so she could survive this. She had to survive. The hunter ran over and knelt down, not knowing what he did until he saw Alastor run over to the scene.

The boy was enraged as he stood up and saw the dropped gun and growled.

"I'm so sorry, kid." The hunter went to look up at the boy to see that he was gone and turned around to be pointed at with his own weapon. "Woah, kid. Put that down. That isn't a toy."

"Oh, I know it isn't." Alastor smirked before pulling the trigger before muttering. "Don't hurt what's mine..."

After a few minutes, everything seemed to go blurry.

(Y/N) placed her hand on the bear trap and tried to set the deer free, ignoring her pain in her hip. She whined and the deer tilted his head in concern and moved its head down to nuzzle her. Alastor's body shook and dropped the gun and ran over, before opening the trap and the male deer got out and limp back a few steps, watching them.

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