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DogDay POV:

I look at CatNap, and he looks back at me. "I think we should go get him... I really think we should..." I say, and Cat nods in agreement. "Yeah... It's... really risky. Especially since-" Cat gets cut off by footsteps in the hallway.

"Shoot... Come on." He whispers to me, and we start sneaking back to the door. "Cat, I don't think we can really go through here. It's Ms. Delight... She's walking around, and she's scary when she's mad." I say, and he looks at me. "A blonde-haired woman that's skinny can't do no harm to you." He tells me, "You'd be surprised." I reply, and he shrugs.

The footsteps near, and we can't seem to find any way out... "Dayz... The vent. Come on..." Cat says, beckoning me over to him. "Come on, lift me up, I'll help you up afterwards." He says, and I nod.

I hold out my hands, he steps on them, and I push him up. "Grab my hand... Hurry!" He says, and I grab it. As soon as I get lifted into the vent, Ms. Delight sees the opened grill. She then screeches.

"Damn! How can someone scream that loud?" CatNap says, as we hustle through the dirty ventilation of the school.

"I told you she can be scary! Wait until she catches you!" I say, "Oh, that isn't gonna happen to me, I'm gonna be worrying about you if she comes near." He says, and smiles, which always make me blush a little.

But we can't be flirting with each other right now, because Ms. Delight is probably following us through the vents.

I look behind me, and I was right. "Cat! Just keep going, don't stop!" I say to him, as I try to make him go a little faster.

"What, why?" He asks, me. "Just don't look behind you!" I say, and he immediately looks behind him.

"Holy, jumping beans in a jar!" He says, trying to reframe from swearing.

I've heard him swear before, but he tries not to for the sake of children and me. I don't like cuss words.

We eventually find a loose vent grill and kick it off its rusted screws.

We jump down, and immediately run for an exit.

"Come om, we gotta get outta here!" Cat says as I follow.

We barge through the exit door, and a bunch of kids look at us, either frightened, or confused.

"Heya, everybody! We accidentally tripped out of the door... so... we have to go now!" I say, smiling at them, and they continue doing whatever they were doing.

We begin to jog off, not wanting to deal with the lecture Ms. Delight was about to give us. I really didn't want to get caught in a big heap of trouble, which we avoided that.

"Well, Dayz... You got anything else on your schedule?" Cat asks me. "Yeah, but- HOLY WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" I say, as I look at the time.

We run to our next destination, which seems to be science once again. Now, I'm dealing with an older age group, so I could do more dangerous experiments with them. Thank goodness that the science class had to be moved from the school because of all the messes it always made.

I began to teach them, and CatNap sat in the back, as usual.

Me and the 13–15-year-olds were mixing chemicals to create volcanos, or explosions, it was fun, I hadn't done this in a while.

Once I finish teaching the class, Cat comes up to me. "DogDay, I've noticed that you are a great scientist." Cat laughs. "I am? I ain't ever considered me one, but thanks I guess." I say smiling.

We walk outside the small building they added, which the building has the label, Science Room, on the outside.

"Well, lets go home then." I say, reaching for Cat's hand. He noticed that I'm trying to grab it, and he accepts. "Y'know, I would never ever have done this with anyone else, even if they were my lover... You're just different, I guess." Cat smiles at me, and I blush.

Cat then gives me a peck on the cheek, making me even more flustered.

"You're a tomato right now." He says, and smiles. "I am? No, I'm not." I say as I look away from him. He grabs my jaw, and makes me look at him, "You totally are." He says, laughing.

I smile and kiss him on the lips. Now he's flustered.

"Tables seem to turn." I say, laughing and pointing at him, "Shut up..." He says, smirking a little.

"That's mean." I say, "I didn't mean it in a bad way, I just said that because I'm happy." He says, and I smile at him. "You only seem to be happy around me." I said, and he nods a little. "Like I said, you're different." He says and gives me another peck.

He then wraps his tail around my waist and making me come closer to him.

"I love you, Dayz. A lot." Cat says, "Well, I guessed that." I say, laughing. "I mean... A lot a lot... I always did, since I joined the critters." He says, and I look over at him. "Once I saw that cute face, heard the voice, and that soft orange fur of yours... It just hit me like a wrecking ball." Cat smiles.

I smile too and give him a big embrace. "Same thing with me. I liked you; you reminded me of myself when I was 13... Would be quiet, and wish I weren't there whenever things were going bad, or things annoyed me... I always loved you as well." I say, smiling. "I also like the smell of lavender." I finish, chuckling.

I let go of the hug. "Anyway... Tomorrow, should we go and see what's up with Kickin?" I ask, and he nods. "Alright.... Well, I'll see you later." Cat says, looking down a little bit.

"What's the matter, Kitty?" I ask, and he shrugs, "Nothing." He says, and he is obviously lying.

I look down a bit too, "Cat, come on... Come sleep with me." I say.

{Not in that way, I don't write smut y'all.}

He looks at me, "Really?" He asks, "Yeah, we're kind of in a relationship... It isn't gonna be weird." I say, beckoning him over.

We walk into my house, and then into my room. I Let him get in my bed first, being as respectful as I could, since Cat seems a bit sad right now. I then tuck him in and give him a peck on the forehead.

I get undercovers with him, and then hug him close.

I just happen to notice that vanilla and lavender make a wonderful scent.

Anyway, I close my eyes, and pray to God that things will turn out right for the two of us, and that Kickin will end up being safe.

1122 Words

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Hello again, it's the author. Thank you, guys, for 200+ reads! It makes me happy when I see that view count go up every single time, I check on it. Thank you all for reading, and as always, see you next chapter!

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