Chapter 5 : Dinner with 'My Family'

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I was so engrossed in writing that I didn't even realize that it was night time until Milli came and informed me that I had to go downstairs to eat dinner with my 'family'.

Talking about Eleanor's relationship with her family, after reading the novel I thought she was just a spoiled brat. But actually, in the whole household it was only her mother that loved her and she too sided with Astria after she was adopted.

The Duke and her brother, Alexander, always favored Astria and compared Eleaner to her. Of course it was obvious any child would feel jealous when some stranger receives the love and attention she craved for years instead of her.

I entered the dining hall and sat beside my mother instead of sitting between my so-called 'father and brother'. Well they did not seem to be bothered by my change of seating, only my mother had a shocked look on her face.

"Dear, how are you now? I heard from Melissa that you had regained your memories after drinking the Healer's potion. Do you feel better?" she asked with a worried look on my face.

"Well, at least someone cared about me, for the time being"-I thought

The duke and Alexander were not even bothered and did not even turn to acknowledge my presence.

"I am perfectly fine mother, I remember everything" I replied nonchalantly.

"Sad" replied the 6-year-old Alexander sitting in front of me.

Did a 6 year old just insult me? This was hurting my pride.

"Don't talk with this tone to your sister Alexander! Apologize now!" my mother ordered, trying to defend me, but no one replied. Instead Alexander spoke up,

"Well she did trip me and I got hurt too, but she never apologized. Why should I apologize to her?"

Oh, so this is why Alexander never liked Eleanor. She must have bullied him as a child.

Wow, so the whole reason for this hatred among the family was me?

As per the story the Duke wanted a second son to be born, but Eleanor was born, a girl. This must have hurt his pride.

Above all that, Eleanor had a bratty attitude and was very selfish as she grew up. This resulted in resentment of the Duke and Alexander towards her.

The Duke even started hating his wife because of this. Furthermore when Eleanor started hurting the female lead, Alexander completely turned against her.

But seriously, treating a 5 year old child because of her gender is so wrong!

If Eleanor had ever got proper guidance and love from her family, she would have not turned out like this. It was not fully Eleanor's fault! The Duke was partially at fault too.

But right now, I had to build a good bond with them so hopefully I wouldn't end up like the original Eleanor did. Thus, I replied to Alexander,


"wait-WHAT" Alexander asked, astonished

"I said sorry brother. I have always treated you with disrespect and have done things which have hurt you, but this was because I had never realized it was wrong or how it felt. This near death experience I had recently has made me reflect on my actions. I now understand how you must feel after being treated like that by your only sister.

Thus, I sincerely apologize to everyone present here for my attitude and actions and promise to never repeat them again. I understand that I may not be forgiven but I will try my best to make it up to everyone I hurt" I said, acting all innocent and genuine.

By now not only my family but all the servants present near the table serving food were staring at me like hawks, and my brother was speechless.

But I did not pay attention to that, I resumed eating my food, quickly finished it, bowed respectfully to everyone and left the table returning to my room.

I didn't think that a simple apology would turn their attention on me.

I smirked.

They must be thinking what suddenly happened to me, because Eleanor never apologized.

But of course they won't just suddenly start being nice to me, I will have to do something.

Little by little I will take steps and gain their affection. I don't think I will be able to do that with the Duke, but getting mother and Alexander by my side should suffice.

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