Chapter 24 : Going Out

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Today I had decided to go out and explore the capital market a bit more before I joined the academy. It has been some time since I last visited it, mostly because of the commotion Rienne had caused, and I am kind of craving the cakes of the 'Hobbit's Hearth'. Even though nobles do not visit the shop as it is not that popular and has damaged furniture, I find its' desserts tasty to eat.

I take my cloak along with myself and ask Milli to do the same so we will be able to disguise ourselves if we go to some other places which would seem unlady-like for a reputed daughter of a Duke, like me.

"Nora, are you going somewhere?" suddenly I hear mother's voice

"Yes mother, I thought of just visiting the capital's market before I join the academy." I reply

"Well then I hope you will not mind if me and Astria join you, because I have to get the measurements of both of your uniforms for the academy. And Astria doesn't have much clothes suited for the noble title, so we had to buy some for her too."

Well, I can just sneak off when they get distracted..

"Fine mother, I am happy that you will join me."

"Then just wait a bit dear, let Astria get ready."

As I wait a memory flashes in front of my eyes.

"Why is this scene looking familiar? But this was not supposed to happen so soon!" I think as I remember.

Just two weeks before starting the academy, the duchess takes Astria and Eleanor to 'The Modiste', a clothing shop, to give them their measurements to make their uniforms for attending the academy. Astria's dress gets dirty because Eleanor pushes her into the mud when she is admiring the beauty of the estate's garden. The Duchess then asks Eleanor to give her something suitable to wear. But Eleanor gives her a bright pink dress, so that she looks bad and they head out to the shop. But Astria is instead complimented for her beauty and appearance by the owner who starts giving her better cloth designs than Eleanor. She gets jealous because of that, and lashes out on Astria in front of the whole store.

Soon I see Astria enter, wearing dirty clothes...but I did not push her?

"What are you wearing dear?" asks mother, a bit astonished by her appearance

"I am sorry for my appearance, mother, but I only have a few legible clothes which could be used for going out, but I had to wear them in the manor as per Father's order.

I only had this dress left which could be worn out as it was worthy enough to not damage your reputation, but I was taking a stroll in the garden where I slipped on the mud and now it is dirty and I have nothing else to wear." she says looking apologetic

She slipped on the mud? Seriously?

"Oh how unfortunate for that to happen to you, Astria" mother says calmly and then asks me

"Nora, would you mind giving your sister a suitable dress to wear to the market? I believe you both have the same size."

"Sure mother, just give me a moment." I say as I dash out to my wardrobe

I have quite a lot of dresses, but most of them are simple and elegant, not very brightly coloured as the original Eleanor had. I myself was wearing a plain blue dress which was embroidered a bit, and decided to indeed give Astria a pink dress, as per the novel's plot but a bit more suitable and plain for the market.

I had no intention of getting praised anyway.

"Mother, will this be alright?" I asked as I showed her a light pink dress, which had some ribbons at the waist, and it was pretty beautiful but a simple dress to wear. Astria would look good in it.

Her bright smiles answered my question and I gave Emma, one of Astria's maids, the dress as she left for her room to get her changed.


We are now in the clothing store. The owner of the shop soon comes and greets us.

"Greetings, your Grace and young ladies from the house of Stanford. It is an honor to welcome you all to my humble clothing emporium." he says, bowing deeply, as if committed to providing us with the finest attire.

"Your kind words are most appreciated, Sir Cliff." mother says politely

"I am here to get uniforms for both my daughters, for they will be attending the academy in a few weeks. I also wish to get some worthy dresses for Astria, hope you will be able to provide her clothing suitable to her liking." she says while smiling gently

He nods as he orders some servants to take our measures, he starts with me because I just have to buy a uniform and Astria has to buy more dresses as she has none which are suitable for a Duke's daughter.

The Luminary Arcane Crest academy allows nobles to design their uniforms to suit their taste, but it has to be made of the same cloth and be similar to the academy's normal uniform.

Thus after discussing the design of the uniform with me, he gives me a satisfied smile as he likes my taste of fashion, and then he moves to Astria.

"Are you sure you do not wish to take any dresses, Nora?" mother asks me again as I reply a 'no' to her.

As he starts discussing designs with Astria while complimenting her beauty, mother also intervenes in their conversation as Astria is unsure of what to wear. I thus quickly inform my mother that I will be going to the other section of the store and she allows me.

I take Milli and then we go there. But instead of staying there I quickly take her to a corner and order her to wear her cloak. Then I take her hand and we teleport in front of the bakery.

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