Chapter 21 : The Consequences

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Alex and Mother were really angry at the Duke, the least to say. Astria looked too guilty to say anything so she kept quiet.

It was now morning and I was preparing myself to fight the knight's son. Even though Alex didn't snitch on me as per the novel, I would still have to duel. 

If everything goes like this, according to the plot, will I even be able to prevent myself from getting executed? If it happens I will just teleport away to some far place, hopefully..

I am now standing at the training grounds of our mansion where the knights practice. Mother, Alex and Astria along with some other servants are also there. The Duke then enters and gives me my punishment,

"Eleanor, you will today be dueling one of our best knight's son, Cain Wulfric. He is just a year older to you, and since you have an epic magic then I believe you both are on the same level as of now. So now start." he says but Alex interrupts him.

"But he has had a year of training in the academy! It is not fair, they are not at the same level!" he exclaims as mother agrees with him

"Well she should have thought about it before disobeying me." the Duke says as Cain enters and my eyes widen.

Cain Wulfric...

Wait, isn't he one of the male leads of the novel! He is described as a very powerful knight and has water and sight magic! He gets promoted to a royal knight and is employed by Lucifer as Astria's personal knight because of Eleanor's bullying! He also develops feelings for Astria but never lets her know about them because he thinks she will be more happy with the I doomed?

"You will be perfectly fine," says Orion 

"Just use a bit of ice magic and forcefield to defend yourself so they don't know your full potential, and have confidence in your self since I have trained you well" he boasts as I just say a "yes" in my mind

The duel starts. I wait for him to attack me.

Suddenly a splash of water at a great speed comes at me as I dodge it quickly. This goes on for a while but then he increases the speed of water so that it is enough to cut through things.

As he launches the water at me I create a force field in front of me. His water is not able to cut through it so he looks shocked, everyone does. He then uses more of his magic and we continue the duel, and let's just say somehow I have still not gotten wet till now.

As we fight I see little water at his feet and in front of him. He is right now charging at me so I 'accidentally' freeze the water under his feet and he slips hard and hurts his knee.

Since I just froze a small amount of the water and did not create ice on my own it is not considered that powerful so no one will suspect me that much.

The duel now ends and I have officially won. I go towards Cain and help him up as we shake hands. The look on the Duke's face is so treasuring as Mother and Alex congratulate me.

"Using this much forcefield magic is not possible without training. It looks like you have been practicing, Eleanor." the Duke says looking grim

"Yes your grace, I have been practicing, especially my forcefield magic since I accidentally used it some days ago." I say as I see his face darken.

He knows I used it on Rienne.

"In fact it is the reason I was not able to attend dinner the day before yesterday" I continue. 

"I had been practicing it and felt really tired thus I missed dinner and unknowingly disrespected Astria though I had apologized."

"Oh dear you shouldn't be over exerting yourself!" mother exclaims as I reassure her that I am not doing that anymore.

Alex looks at me proudly as the Duke just gives me a blank expression.

Then suddenly Astria runs to Cain, "You hurt your knee!" she exclaims as she looks at him

"Let me heal it for you" she says as Cain nods.

Suddenly a pink golden light starts to glow in her hands as she points them towards Cain's injured knee. But nothing happens, the knee is still bleeding.

Of course this would have happened, Astria has still not mastered her magic nor has she received any training.

As she realizes that nothing is going to happen, she looks down as tears start falling from her eyes.

"You don't need to be sad Lady Astria" says Cain, "Lady Eleanor was pretty lenient on me so I am not that hurt, in fact I am quite used to such wounds. I will just ask a healer to give me a potion to treat this." he finishes

Wait...why does he say that I have been lenient on him..has he?

"Yes, he has spotted your potential, he had sight magic which made it easier for him to observe you and is well trained to know that you were holding back, but I don't think it is going to cause us a problem." says Orion

Astria just excuses herself and runs back to her room as the Duke sighs. Then everyone starts leaving, and only me and Mother are the last ones left. We go back inside together as she congratulates me further for my win.

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