ch-10 (veer)

377 33 13

I entered Aahna's house for the mehndi ceremony, the lively atmosphere embraced me. Bhavya, tugged at my hand with excitement.

"I want to meet Aahana didi!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Aashika, intercepted, "Come on, Bhavya! I'll take you to meet Aahana didi. She's getting her mehndi done."

Bhavya happily followed Aashika, leaving me to navigate the festivities. Amidst the colorful decorations, my eyes subtly searched for Aahna. 

Rudra, approached me and said, "Veer, get your mehndi done."

I nodded, following his lead. I sat beside Aahna for my mehndi, marveling at her beauty. Her brown eyes, her captivating smile... She looked like a goddess.

Leaning in close, I whispered in her ear, my voice low, "You look absolutely delicious, sunshine, i wanna taste you so hard"

Aahna's cheeks flushed with a hint of pink, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

Before I could delve further into the conversation, Rudra's voice cut through the air.

"Veer, remember she's my sister, stop flirting with her," he stated matter-of-factly, his expression unyielding.

i said, remember "she is my soon to be wife"

he highlighted "soon to be, not yet"

As Rudra's words hung in the air, a sudden interruption came in the form of bhavya.

"Aahana didi, your mehndi is so pretty!" Bhavya exclaimed, her excitement contagious.

Aahna responded with a warm smile, "Thank you, Bhavya. Would you like some too?"

Bhavya's eyes widened with excitement, "Yes, yes, didi! I want a butterfly."

Aahna chuckled, "Alright, let's get you a beautiful butterfly."

Bhavya, now sporting her butterfly design, proudly showed it off to everyone.

Rudra suddenly started singing with his weird expressions "butterfly butterfly where are you going," everyone fell silent

After a moment of stunned silence, Aahna couldn't contain her laughter. "Bhai, what are you doing?" she managed to gasp between giggles.

Rudra, with a shrug of his shoulders. "What? Didn't you hear it on Instagram? Chipmunk, kya influencer banegi re tu?"

Aahna, with a grin, retorted, "I was talking about your expressions Bhai."

Rudra, dramatically. "Expressions? Oh, those are just my natural charms. Apun paida ichh talented hua tha."

Aashika, seizing the opportunity, chimed in with a mischievous grin, "rudra, natural charm aur natural pagalpan me difference hota hai!"

"Remember that time when Aashika tried to cook pasta and ended up setting off the fire alarm?" Rudra began.

 Aashika's shot him a glare. "Oh, please, rudra! That was ages ago," she protested.

But Rudra was relentless, he continued with his dramatic expressions. "And then she panicked so much that she started waving a kitchen towel around to blow off the fire! and and, "I swear, the way she waved that kitchen towel around, I thought she was auditioning for a Bollywood dance right there in the kitchen!"

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