Chapter 8

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Have you ever trusted someone you didn't know? Following them when you should have just walked away? I felt like Alice, walking into Wonderland, chasing after a rabbit— if my hot ex-boss was said rabbit and a mysterious lobby inside a large warehouse was Wonderland. 

The warehouse door opened onto a small waiting room with cozy, dim lighting from green sconces lined across black walls. A woman stood behind a small silver reception desk, wearing a 1920s black dress, her hair in a short bob. 

I felt a small thrill shoot through me at seeing someone else with my sense of style. It felt like finding a kindred spirit. Where was I, and how did I start working here instead?

The woman glanced up, offering Laurence a nod of recognition, gesturing towards a second door. He had clearly been here before. "The room is yours," she said. 

Laurence offered her an appreciative glance before moving toward the door, holding it open for me. I froze in the doorway, my eyes wide. "What is this place?" I breathed, eyes going wide. 

"A place that won't spark an argument out of me," Laurence said behind me, his breath tickling my neck. I was surprised by how close he was until I realized I was in the doorway, blocking the way in.

I turned and found Laurence soaking in the place, looking more relaxed than I had ever seen him. "My home away from home." He scanned the room, the stress melting off of him, replaced by a calm I had never seen. A sense of peace. He looked down at me, brow raised in question, waiting to see what I thought. 

His face was close to mine, dark eyes drinking in my expression. I couldn't lie. It was like he had designed a place just for me. It was perfect and I hated that he viewed this place as a home away from home. It was like he had confessed to being attracted to someone just like me, if only—

It took a physical effort to turn back around and step to the side, making room for him to lead the way. "It's... incredible," I said to the room.

The music was familiar, the clothes more of what I loved, and the style was perfection. In short, Laurence Royal had brought me to an underground 1920s speakeasy.

A small bar stood at the far end of the warehouse, with a small stage to the right, where a 1920's swing band was playing, the music upbeat. People dressed in all types of 1920's outfits sat at small table and booths sprinkled throughout the warehouse turned speakeasy soaking in the music, hands cupping drinks, murmuring over small table lamps. 

Instead, of walking past me, he leaned against the door frame. "Found this place a week after Allie took over my company," he said. "It kept my sanity in tact."

Before I could reply, Laurence walked deeper into the cozy speakeasy, to a bookcase along one wall. Pulling on a book, the book case slid minutely to the side and he ducked past it and disappeared through a hidden side door. 

And like a habit that seemed impossible to break, I followed. I left the room that felt like a slice of heaven I had fallen into. But I was too curious to stop myself. Who didn't want to see what was hidden behind a bookcase? I hadn't even known this place had existed five minutes ago, and the idea that there was more sent another thrill through me. 

Ducking into the hidden room, I let out an audible gasp, eyes wide, unable to hide my surprise. A hidden library sat nestled into a small room, taking up three of the four walls. Two cozy arm chairs sat in the center of the room, a small coffee table in between them, with end tables next to each chair, sporting small table lamps, sending the room into a warm orange sheen. A green rug sat along the ground, a set of golden thread woven throughout, making the ground look like it was glistening with gold. A fireplace was nestled against the far wall underneath the bookshelves, making it one of the coziest places I had ever been in. 

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