Chapter 9

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Red. A color that I wouldn't have dared try to pull off several weeks ago was wrapped around me like a giant banner that drew attention. Unlike my own clothes, this 1930s red polka dot dress was cinched in at the waist with a pretty bow belt, the skirt flaring out with each step and turn. Every step I took made me want to twirl around and break into song.

It was another of Allie's picks, and it left me feeling utterly excited to get to work. I felt confident, my black heels loud on the marble floor as I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to my assistant desk. 

Once I was done training I would probably have to move to another floor, unless they restructured the current offices to give me my own. I pictured Allie and Laurence bickering over floor space and the idea made me smile. Until I had to play negotiator for those two, I was happy to keep using my old desk.

I was the first one in the office, and settled into my morning routine, enjoying the silence and warm morning sunshine that filtered in through the back glass wall, as I began to make myself a morning coffee. I had finished my cup, leaning against the coffee stand, soaking in the morning sun when someone burst out of the elevator.

"Oh good," Dash said out of breath.

"Boss Man will be here any minute and I clearly have no idea how to make his morning coffee. Please teach me your wise ways so I don't get fired on my second day."

I continued to lean against the small coffee counter and shrugged. "I don't know... I really enjoyed watching you completely tank yesterday."

"Oh come on!" he said in protest.

I tapped my chin, starting to daydream. "Maybe he'll let me pick his next assistant. Someone a little less loud maybe? Perhaps someone who isn't always proposing marriage."

"Please don't do this to me," he said shrugging off his coat onto the back of his office chair. 

"I literally don't have to do anything. Just watch you poorly attempt to make coffee," I said smiling sweetly.

"What do I have to do in exchange? Come on work wife. Help a hubby out."

"No to all of those words," I said, wrinkling my nose at his use of the word hubby for himself.

"I'll buy you lunch," Dash said, his eyes moving back to the elevator, nervous.


"Dinner! I'll buy you dinner."

"I have plans."

"When? I'll work around your schedule."

"I always have plans."

"This weekend?!?" He asked, hopefully. "Dinner." When I remained quiet, he added on more. "And a movie... and dessert... and a post dessert snack."

Dash looked like he was about to loose it as the elevator began to hum, indicating that someone had gotten inside.

"Okay. Fine. I'll do it so you don't die of a heart attack. No to dinner though." I spun and began to work the coffee machine.

Dash came up behind me, watching carefully, attempting to memorize each step. I turned back around, ready to hand him the coffee but misjudged his distance, smacking the mug into his chest, sending hot coffee down my hand.

The burst of pain startled me into dropping the cup and it hit the ground, shattering. I let out a yelp, jumping back from the glass, nearly slipping on the spilled coffee until Dash caught my wrists, keeping me steady. "Careful."

He quickly gathered up the broken pieces and mopped up the coffee before letting out a swear. He wrapped something in a napkin before pressing it against my hand, his own over it. "You burned yourself."

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