-Chapter 1-

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-Time Skip: First Day of School-

I did see Mystery Man a few other times at the beach before the school year started, and we always hung out. I still never got his name OR number, which is kinda sad. But that's not what's important at the moment...

Today's the first day at my new school. I used to go to an all-girls school, but my mom pulled me out because she didn't want to have to spend so much money on me. So, now I'm starting at the high school that my brother goes to. I picked out my outfit and decided that I was gonna wear a cute white dress with some cute shoes.

 I picked out my outfit and decided that I was gonna wear a cute white dress with some cute shoes

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(Don't mind the person-just look at the outfit lmao)

I laced up my sneakers and went to the bathroom to finish my makeup. Suddenly I heard my brother yelling.



I yelled back as I quickly finished curling my hair and doing my makeup and ran downstairs with my backpack and a water bottle. I ran out the door and hopped into the passenger seat of my brother's car. I looked down at my wrists to make sure I covered up the scars with makeup. My brother looked at me worriedly. Then he spoke to ease the tension in the car.

Ian: Soooo, you excited for your first day?

Lily: I'm NEVER excited for school, what kind of a question is that!?

He chuckled and continued driving. I wasn't too worried about school. I finally get to go to the same school as Chloe now, and I usually do really well and always get good grades. Maybe this year I'll finally make more friends!

My brother pulled into the parking lot of the high school and put the car into park. We both got out and started walking to the entrance of the school.

Ian: I see my friends-have fun today, ok?

Lily: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!

I gave him a small punch in his shoulder as he patted my back and walked to his group of friends. I spotted Chloe and we ran up to each other and hugged for a solid 2 minutes while joyfully giggling and yelling.

Chloe: Girl, you look SO good!!

Lily: Have you seen yourself?! You look STUNNING!!

We kept talking and giggling the whole day. Thankfully we had most of our classes together, so being lonely wasn't an issue for us.

During lunch, however, I saw a certain someone that I'd never expect to see..

Chloe and I were sitting at a small booth together in the cafeteria when all the sudden, Chloe let out a big gasp. I was mid-chew when I replied.

Lily: What?

Chloe: L-Look..

Lily: Look where?


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