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Lily walks into the kitchen where Damon and Elena are cooking

Lily: I heard Elena forced you to take her to Chicago.

Damon: Yeah she forced me

Elena sighs looking at her twin sadly.

Elena: Damon, he's your---

Damon: I don't have a brother anymore, Elena. Stefan's dead to me.

Elena: What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?

Lily: Is Bonnie gonna be there?

Elena: Lily, you need to---

Lily: I take it she's gonna be there?

Damon: Yeah the witch bitch is gonna be there

Lily: Then I'm not going.

She turns and walks out of the kitchen.

Elena sighs, wiping away the tears in her eyes.

Damon: You need to seriously move the fuck on from Stefan, Elena. He's gone and he's never coming back. Stop putting him over your own damn sister.


Lily walks past the kitchen when the necklace around her neck burns her skin

Lily: Ow!

She takes off the necklace and holds it up by the chain, she enters the kitchen

Bonnie: Let me see it

Lily: How about no?

Bonnie: Lily, please. Just let me see it

Lily glares at her but hands her the necklace. Bonnie looks at the necklace and touches it but there's a zap and sparks fly out of it.

Lily yanks the necklace out of her hand

Lily: It doesn't want you touching it.


Gloria: I found it

Rebekah: So where is it?

Gloria: It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends...

Rebekah: Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back.

Stefan steps forward

Stefan: I know who has it.

Rebekah: Who has my necklace?

Stefan: Lily Gilbert.

Klaus: Ah mother's soulmate.

Rebekah: W-what? Mother's---

Stefan: We go back to Mystic Falls and we snap her neck, then rip her apart just to make sure she's dead for good.

Klaus: I love how your mind works, Stefan.

Rebekah: Her friends---

Stefan: Oh please, I got that whole town wrapped around my finger. I got her best friend falling in love with me. All I have to do is play the innocent brooding vampire and everyone will be eating out of the palm of my hand. Lily will be the villain before you know it

He holds out his hand towards Klaus

Stefan: What do you say, partners?

Klaus smirks clasping his hand into his

Klaus: Partners, it is.

Rebekah: But we don't know---

Klaus: Mother doesn't deserve a happy ending, Rebekah. We do. Remember. We always get what we want

Rebekah: We always get what we want.

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