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Lily is in the bedroom unpacking boxes, she places her and Esther's wedding picture on her vanity smiling happily as arms are wrapped around her waist from behind and lips pressed to her cheek.

Lily: Tonight's the Decade Dance.

Esther: Yes, what of it?

Lily turns around snaking her arms around her neck leaning up pecking her lips

Lily: Through it's gonna be weird with you possessing Rebekah's body and I was hoping we could go together, have a dance

Esther: I'll dance with you afterward, darling.

They smile at each other, Esther presses her lips to her forehead

Lily: I love you

Esther: I love you


Lily walks into the gym

Caroline: Lily, you're back?

Lily: Yes I am. You gonna tell Stefan I'm back?

Caroline and Elena's faces fall

Elena: What's that mean?

Lily: Hey Matt

Matt walks up smiling and embraces her

Matt: Oh I told her everything. How Stefan drained me of vervain and compelled me to kill Finn and how you---

He points his finger angrily at Caroline

Matt: How you've been hanging out with him a lot.

Caroline: Lily, let me explain----

Lily: You know I was gonna invite you to the wedding

Elena: You're married?

Caroline's eyes begins to well up with tears

Caroline: You got married? But we always said----

Lily: Why do you keep betraying me, Care? Are you cheating on Tyler?

Caroline: W-what? No! Stefan-----he said he would kill my mom if I didn't spend time with him. Lily, please

Lily: Oh don't worry, Stefan's gonna get his real soon and so will Klaus and his fucking siblings.

Matt: Oh I almost forgot to tell you, Caroline has feelings for Klaus.

Everyone looks at her in shock and horror

Jeremy: YOU WHAT?!!

Elena: Caroline, please tell me that's not true?

Caroline: I---I---I---I---

Jeremy scoffs out rolling his eyes

Jeremy: Wow! Even after everything he's done to us, he killed Jenna, made Tyler bite you and you have feeling for him?

Elena: How could you?

Lily looks into Caroline's tear filled eyes and rolls her eyes, walking away.

Elena: I can't believe you, Caroline

Caroline: Elena, please

Elena storms away following her twin while Matt and Jeremy glares at the blonde before walking away, Caroline lowers her head and begins wailing.


Lily walks into the house as Damon walks out of the parlor wrapping her up in his arms spinning her around and looks down at her finger seeing the wedding ring

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