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Lily is sitting beside the window staring at her phone when Esther walks into the room holding a glass of champagne and two glasses.

Lily: Hi

Esther: Hey yourself, darling.

Lily: What's that for?

Esther: Just a proper celebration

Lily: Celebrate what, babe?

Esther: The beginning of our lives together

She walks over to her

Esther: We survived everything we have gone though and it's only made me love you more.

Lily: You're so cheery

Esther: Yes because you're here and I'm happy. Would you like to do the honors?

Lily nods her head. She pops out the cork and it flies across the room. She screams and laughs. Esther laughs with her. The champagne is overflowing.

Lily: Oh my gosh.

Esther pours the champagne into the glasses. They clink them together.

Esther: Cheers.

Lily: Cheers.

Esther places her finger on her chin leaning in pressing their lips together.


Elena walks back towards the church. Stefan shows up and sees Elena walking back inside and Damon picking up the blood bag and putting it away. Damon looks up and sees Stefan. He starts to walk away. Stefan follows him.

Damon: [to himself] Ah, great.

Stefan: What's in the bag, Damon?

Damon: Mid-service snack. Church always gets me hungry. The whole blood of Christ thing, you know.

Stefan glares at him.

Damon: I brought it for Elena.

Stefan: Are you really that intent on having your way?

Damon: It's not my way, it's the only way.

Stefan: Do you really think Elena will choose you over me?

Damon glares at him

Stefan(chuckles): I'm the better brother. I got this whole town wrapped around my finger. Caroline will do anything for me because she's in love with me and soon, Lily's gonna die at my hand and there's nothing you can do to stop me

Damon: Wrong, brother. I'll just rip your heart out. Try me.

Stefan smirks, patting him on the shoulder

Stefan: Keep Elena nice and wet for me. I'll be taking her back soon.

He chuckles walking away while Damon clenches his jaw glaring after him in hatred but smirks

Damon: Did she tell she drank from me?

Stefan stops and turns around towards him

Stefan: She drank from you?

Damon: Oopies, did I say that out loud? I'm a naughty boy. I think I need a spanking.

He pats him on the cheek smirking and walks away leaving a angry Stefan behind.

Lily walks into the church and plops down beside Tyler.

Stefan: What the fuck are you doing here?

Lily: Ah fuck off

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