Sonic.Exe TD2DR: Carnage - Chapter 5 Your not Sonic...

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Cream and Amy exit Creams house

Cream: Miss Amy we've looked every where! How are we going to find Cheese!
Amy: I'm sure we will! Hey. Why don't we split up? I check the forest. You check Bingo Carnival?
Cream: Of Course! Cheese loves everything Bingo! Alright! I'll get going!
Amy: Stay safe!
And just like that. Cream would be uncovering that something. Something terrible. Is happening. And it's only a matter of time. Before a certain blue hedgehog is forced to turn on his friends.

~At Tails workshop~
Sonic is waking up from last night and walks down the stairs to see Tails making some pancakes
Sonic: are those Pancakes I smell?
Tails: yup.
Sonic: hey where's Amy and Cream?
Tails: they were out all night looking for cheese. they didn't find him. There gonna go back looking tonight again.
Sonic: Alright.
Tails: So are you gonna be able to go back to Green hill to look again?
Sonic: You bet it.
Sonic finishes eating and is ready to zoom out of the workshop.
Sonic: Consider me already gone!
Sonic zooms out of the workshop and into green hill.
Sonic: Welp. I'm back here.
Tails communicates with sonic through an ear piece.
Tails: just run around. It should be here somewhere!
Sonic stops exactly where he stopped last night
Sonic: It's still empty...
Tails: Maybe I-
Sonic: Hold on! I see something!
Tails: Be careful Sonic... I could be-
Sonic: You worry to much Tails. I'm sure it's just...
The Communication with Sonic cuts off.
This sets Tails into a panic.
Tails: Sonic? Sonic! Are you there! I have to make sure he's ok!
Tails takes out the Tornado and starts it up
Tails: Hang on Sonic. I'm on my way!
Like... 10 hours later or something
Tails: Finally! I really gotta fix this plane... it's so slow now. It took me the whole day! It's dark now! Focus Tails I need to find Sonic!
Tails begins running in a straight line until he reaches a point where the grass and trees start to decay... and Dead body's of the little critters lay on the ground. Pinned to a tree. And in piles.
Tails: D-Dead Animals?! W-What the heck happened here?! Maybe i should tell the others... Stay focused Tails! I need to find Sonic
Tails finds a green ring and shortly after finds a black one.
Tails: Maybe these will help... As Tails continues running it gets worse. The grass turns White. There are no more trees.
Tails: It's getting worse! What if I meet... the killer... what if I'm next! Wait...
Tails spots a Blue Hedgehog in the distance.
Tails: I think I see something in the distance...
Tails sees Sonic Poached up against a Tree. His gloves are red.
Tails: Sonic! Thank god I found you!
No answer
Tails: S...Sonic?
Tails slowly walks up to Sonic and touch's him.
Sonic: Tails what are you doing here?! Didn't I tell you I'd be back soon?
Tails: Sorry Sonic... I just thought you needed help.
Sonic: Is the Tornado here? Come on! We have work to do!
Tails: Why are your gloves red Sonic?
Sonic: It's nothing... we have... to get a move on!

~6 lives are now in danger. Wether they survive is up to there survival instincts. It will be hard. 4 killers. They will hunt. Day in. And day out.

Tails flys away only to get caught in mid air by Sonic.Exe. Tails wakes up in a cave a dark. Gray. Cave. As he walks through he finds a pillar and hides behind it as Sonic.Exe falls from the sky.
Sonic.Exe: Come out Tails... don't make me come find you...
Tails begins to breathe heavily
Sonic.Exe: So you wanna play hide and seek? Do you? Alright then... this will be fun...
Sonic.Exe Says as he walks off.
Tails quietly: I need to get out of here...
Tails begins walking around staying as quiet as he can
He flys up a cliff and sees a spring. He is hesitant to touch it but jumps on it anyway shooting up to a higher cliff but as he suspected He heard a Laugh that ecoed it was Sonic.Exe. The spring alerted him to Where Tails is.
Tails: Crap!
Tails begins running he begins flying but runs out of stamina but luckily he finds a rocket that gets him out of the situation and Sonic.Exe loses Track of him.
As Tails Hides behind a pillar he sees a button. The button that opens the door to let him escape.
Tails: There's the Button! Wait... how do I know what it dose....? Feels like Daja vu
(I spelled it wrong didnt I)
Tails quickly jumps and hides behind a pillar as Sonic.Exe walks past him. Tails quickly runs up and activates the button.
Tails hears something open.
Tails falls from the cliff and sees the door open. As he begins running he hears the same laugh he heard when the spring alerted Sonic.Exe to his position.
Tails: Shit!
Sonic: You can run but you can't Hide Tails!
Tails runs through what seems like an endless path way with springs and Spikes. As he runs he sees a giant Golden ring. as Sonic.Exe almost catches him Tails makes it just in time.
Sonic.Exe: Hm. He made it out. I can play with him a little longer... but I have other plans...

Sonic.Exe the disaster 2D remake: CarnageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz