Chapter 4: Past Tribulations IIII

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One year ago.

"...And finally, this is the garden." Eliza concludes the tour of the palace grounds. This place was huge, and I wondered if this was how all kingdoms were.

"It's lovely. Thank you for the tour," I beam at Eliza. Though the events of what happened still weighed heavily on my heart, listening to Eliza ramble about how the King had 'crappy taste in decor' (her words, not mine) helped me take my mind off of things.

"How are you feeling about, well, everything?" Eliza questioned me after a bit of hesitation.

I can't help but giggle at the way she asked that question. "I feel a lot better. I think reality started to settle in and, while I still grieve, I will have to learn how to move on, you know?"

Eliza nods sympathetically at that. "I'm here to talk to, if you need someone to listen."

"Thank you, Eliza."

I felt like I had a genuine friend. Though I did have a few girls I was friends with back home, being the only princess and nobility besides my parents came with its ups and downs. For one, all of my friends were those who held the common title, so it felt like I could never truly fit in. While they treated me nicely, there were times where it felt slightly forced, or where I couldn't truly bond with the group, since they were afraid of saying something that could upset or offend me. Oftentimes, I spent my time alone, anyways.

As if Eliza could read my mind, she spoke. "I never had many friends growing up. Majority of my friends were those who enrolled in the same etiquette classes as me when I was younger, though most of our conversations were very surface level."

"You and I are very similar in that regard," I chime in, making her feel as though she isn't alone.

"What?! Really?" Eliza gapes at me. "But-! But, you're so kind and pretty! How did you not have many friends?" She questions in disbelief.

I fluster at the compliment. "You speak too highly of me. And, I could say the same about you. You seem so outgoing and fun to be around."

It is Eliza's turn to blush at the compliment. "Well, starting from now on, we will be each other's friends then!" She declares loudly.

I grin before agreeing enthusiastically.


"The Kruos Empire hosts an annual ball every year. Nobles from all over come for this specific event, since it is the perfect opportunity for us to strengthen connections and meet potential suitors," Eliza gave the rundown of their customs and history.

"How far away is the Kruos Empire from here?" I inquired, propping my head up on two arms. We were currently seated on a table in the garden.

"Hmm... I want to say it's about a four-hour trip? We are close enough to where we are technically part of their region, but far enough away where conquering us doesn't benefit them much, hence why we were able to retain our status." Eliza concludes leaning back on her hands.

I hum in understanding. That makes sense. All of the neighboring kingdoms fell to the hands of the Emperor, but I guess expanding any further wouldn't do much. Otherwise, if they wanted to, they would.

"All of the former kingdoms that now exist under the Empire were conquered because they offered something beneficial. The Kruos Kingdom, as powerful as they were back when they were an independent nation, lacked resources beyond militia, to put it simply. King Kruos led his people with an iron fist and trained his soldiers to be lethal weapons. He knew that in order to achieve prosperity, he had to expand since their land was unsuitable for agriculture due to their harsh climate. So, the Kingdom of Athanos became the first to fall and merge into the Kingdom of Kruos. From there, more and more neighboring Kingdoms fell, eventually turning into the current Empire that exists today," Eliza explains.

"Wow, I did not know all of this," I admit.

Eliza raises her eyebrows at my confession. "Really? They didn't teach you where you were from?"

I shake my head. "I knew that they were powerful and won many wars, though I didn't know the full history. It wasn't emphasized in our teachings because we were so far away that it was deemed unnecessary."

Thankfully, I had Eliza to inform me of this. I had a lot to learn and catch up on.

"So, the Emperor of Kruos is done expanding now?" I question her.

"It seems like it. There's not much more from other Kingdoms to offer. Even if other nations were to engage in war with the Empire, they would most likely surrender very early on, because it is basically a guaranteed loss. In some ways, it keeps us from gaining more power, while making them more powerful. If the neighboring kingdoms had something of value to offer the Empire, then they would practically be waving a flag that says "Conquer me!" over their heads," she sighs.

"And no one would want that because they would be stripped of their title as royalty," I conclude, beginning to understand.

"Yep, pretty much," she confirms.

"The Emperor seems lovely," I say jokingly.

Eliza snorts at that. "That was the former Emperor. He stepped down a few years ago and gave the position to his son, who is now the current Emperor of Kruos."

"Ah, so the current Emperor must be fairly new, if his father stepped down only a few years ago?" It must be such a large shift going from a prince to an Emperor.

"Quite the opposite, actually. The former Emperor's son was his main soldier throughout all of this. He started training his son and preparing him to take over the throne since he was a mere child. I've heard that the current Emperor has been going on campaigns with the soldiers since their very first war. If anything, he was born to be the Emperor." Eliza's words surprised me.

I knew that the King trained his children to prepare to succeed their position, but bringing a child, no less a prince, into battle seemed a bit excessive, no?

"Years of seeing and experiencing countless battles turned him into a cold-hearted man, just like his father. If anything, he is much worse than his father. At least the former Emperor didn't start going on war campaigns when he was no taller than a baby mule." There was pity in Eliza's voice. 

I couldn't help but pity the Emperor, too. It made me realize truly how grateful I am for having the parents I had. I cannot imagine being sent off to war with soldiers as a child.

"But, that is what makes the Empire such a powerful force. A ruler who can be swayed by no emotions, for the ice around his heart cannot be thawed, is a ruler that stops at nothing to achieve his goals," she concludes.

"I pity him," I blurt out.

Eliza's eyes widen, and she whips her head around for any form of life.

"Shhh!" She clasps a hand over my mouth. "You mustn't speak ill of the Emperor when we are outside! You never know who is around," she whispers.

"But we're in your garden," I mumble against her palm.

Eliza releases her hand. "That doesn't matter. The Emperor has people everywhere. You don't want to risk bad-mouthing him and getting ratted out to the Empire on a count of trying to declare war," she leans back in her chair and sighs.

"That seems pretty dramatic," I retort. Since when did a little insult mean they wanted to go to war?

"Yeah, I'm jesting with you. The emperor couldn't give a hoot about what is being said about him. That man probably can't feel emotions," Eliza laughs at the tinge of fear that made its way to my face.

Thank goodness, I thought my life was about to end, if I'm being a little honest. She made it seem very convincing.

"Don't do that, I have no clue what is true and what is not," I huff out.

Eliza laughs harder at that, having the audacity to slap the table while she's at it.

I can't help but smile a little bit, too. Maybe, just maybe, my life can get better.


A/N: Unedited. I know you guys are ready to meet our hottie with a body next chapter. ;)

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