Chapter 5: Arrival

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Present day.

The days rolled by as I began to settle into a new routine. Waking up to have breakfast with my new family, studying with a private tutor, and delving into different hobbies I've never gotten to experience in the Therasis town.

Did I miss my parents and my home? Of course. All the time. Some days were harder than others. Some days I shed tears because I missed my mother and father. Some days I woke up in a cold sweat from the vivid nightmares I got.

Through all of this, I had to remind myself that life would continue on even if I didn't, and I cannot afford to fall behind. Overtime, the pain in my heart began to ease, the nightmares became more infrequent, and the lingering regret began to dwindle. I began to heal, and the spark returned to my eyes.

"You ready to head out, (y/n)?" Eliza pops her head into my room.

I nod. "Yep, just let me grab my coat." I closed the book that I was reading.

Eliza and I were heading to the town's square today. It was a wonderful place filled with so many markets and stands. While we had something similar in our town's square, Therasis's was easily double the size of ours.

"I saw you reading when I came in. How is it coming along?" Eliza asks as we both walk into a small dress shop.

"It's been well. I've moved onto higher level books!" I was ecstatic. Unfortunately, back home, there weren't many literate people, and the only tutor I had taught me the very basics, as that was all she knew. When I arrived in Therasis, the King swiftly assigned a tutor to me that began with the basics and gradually moved up.

An illiterate princess was practically unheard of, but I didn't know of that until I arrived in the northern regions. Fortunately, no one had ever shamed me for it, and it made learning much more enjoyable. I've begun enjoying fairytales, how beautiful they were.

"You must've really enjoyed it. I knocked a few times and you didn't hear, so I decided to come in," she exasperated.

"Whoopsies," I smile cheekily.

"What can I do for you girls—" the shopkeeper begins before she looks up at us, eyes widening at Eliza before taking a deep bow. "Your highness. My sincerest apologies."

"Good day to you, Martha. We're looking for dresses for the ball coming up. It's in two days, and I had checked my wardrobe this morning and nothing caught my eye." Eliza huffs.

Martha straightens her back at that, before smiling. "Of course, your highness. I am sure my selection will not disappoint you. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" She ushers the two of us into the back of the store, where the more luxurious, expensive dresses were.

"Hmm...nothing in particular. I will browse around until I find something of interest," Eliza absentmindedly states as she begins to browse the rack.

"Please let me know if you require any assistance. As for you...Lady (y/n), do you have any particular dresses in mind?" Martha pauses before my title, unsure of what to address me by. After all, I technically wasn't a princess anymore since my kingdom no longer existed.

I shake my head. "I have something in mind at home already, I'm just here to keep Eliza company. Thank you, Martha."

"No worries," Martha says before the bell rings, signaling another customer. The shop must've been getting good foot traffic as noble ladies were doing last minute shopping before the ball.

"What do you think about this one?" I snap my head back at Eliza, who is holding up a pastel blue dress, which happens to be the first one on the rack.

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