Chapter 16: A Warning

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'So much for enjoying my time,' I grumble to myself, eyeing the man to my side, his insistence on bringing me upfront to lead with him hard to deny in front of a crowd.

His reasoning? 'You said you are talented, it is natural for you to be at the front.'

First of all, I did not say I was talented, I said it was a frequent hobby of mine. Second of all, there was no talent necessary, we were moving at a snail's pace. Our horses were barely trotting along.

I attempt to ignore him, thankful of Lady Mary-Ann's attempts at speaking to him from his other side, as it allowed me leeway of not having to speak.

I glance around, the large pine trees covered with snow from the previous day. The sun begins to peek through the clouds, making the white frost coating the environment glisten and shine.

As much as I dislike the weather, it is a beautiful sight, I must admit. The tall pine trees were quite beautiful.

"Are you bored, Lady (y/n)?" Emperor Kruos's questions me, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "You seem disinterested." He observes.

"No, no. I am merely admiring the scenery." I tell the truth. While it was a little boring going so slow, it did feel nice getting out of the castle to explore. It was technically my first day out, if you don't count when I went outside for a breath of air at the ball.

Though that was quite recent, it feels like so long ago because all of the drama that has transpired between then and now. I cannot wait to go home and rest.

"Is there something on your mind? You are quiet, which is unusual," he comments.

I scrunch my nose at that, ignoring his attempt to rile me up. "I would like to talk to Lady Aria, but she is in the back of the group." I glance and hint at him.

"I think you are forgetting that you are supposed to be pursuing me, not other people," he gives me a pointed, narrowed look.

"Ah, right. My apologies, your majesty." I state in a stale tone. I drop it, not wishing to get into an argument or bring any more attention to myself.

I can feel Lady Mary-Ann glance past his majesty at me, though I refuse to look in that direction, for I can also feel his majesty staring at me. I spin my head to the other side, staring at the back of Sir Arthur's head. The royal knights surrounded our small group, one of the two posted in the front being Sir Arthur.

The air had thickened immensely, and I felt my shoulders stiffen at the change in the air. I had tried to be polite, while also keeping conversation short, though I am beginning to feel that it is doing more harm than good.

Lady Mary-Ann laughs awkwardly, attempting to dissipate the tension by continuing to talk, though his majesty seems to have no interest, merely shooting glances at me. I look around, pretending to be too busy admiring the scenery to talk.

I think back to the interaction at the stables. Why would his majesty react that way? Have I done something wrong? I did not see what the big deal in asking for assistance from a knight was. If anything, he should be thankful since it made us move along faster!

I can feel his majesty's annoyance begin to build up to anger beside me, though I do not speak upon it.

Turning my head back, I look behind me and see Lady Aria trailing a few feet behind. She gives me a worried look, and I stick my tongue out to show my displeasure at the situation we are in. She giggles at me.

"We'll stop here," his majesty halts the group. We stop at a small opening, a beautiful frozen lake glimmering in the sun, stretching for as far as I can see. The land around it is barren, snow covered grounds making it look like a scene out of a painting. Mountain ridges covered in snow surround the area, a sight truly admirable.

Destructive EnchantmentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora