Part two

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When I told you about the anger issues and the creepy thoughts I had, you never left. I thought you would but you didn't. You loved me for who I was. A crazy psychopathic person who never saw a psychiatrist.

I knew sometimes I did scare you because of being me, but I kept most of the things quiet. im sory that I scared you.
Life was hard. It always was, definitely when my best friend was in hospital. I was hurt, I was
scared, It felt like I couldn't breathe sometimes. Life was never easy for me, I don't think it ever will be. But the only easy thing was you.
You would always take care of me when I was ill or down. You also ran your hands through my hair when I was having painful periods. You were the only reason I kept living, if it weren't for you I would've never met Evie, and I would ve never stood up for myself when A girl was treating me like dirt.

Although it was me who treated you like dirt, I never knew how else to treat you. I wanted to treat you like a queen but then again I was so wrapped up in my problems I never realised you needed me.

Every morning for tutor I would sit in the Student Support Base. Even if I was lucky you would walk me to tutor, I would sit at my table and look at the massive orange spider spiralling in his web on the window. I always found him so satisfying. I loved watching nature taking its course. But there was something I loved watching even more, I loved watching you, I loved everything about you. You're the world's most beautiful person I've ever met. I will never meet another girl that is more beautiful than you.

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