chapter 13

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Aubrey walked briskly down the cold, hospital corridors. The text that she had received from Chloe had been strangely vague. She had said that Beca was awake and to get there ASAP. What Aubrey found strange, though, was that there was no excitement. That made the blonde worry that something awful had happened. But what?

As she rounded the corner, she saw the redhead sitting on one of the hospital chairs, staring at nothing. She didn't look up as Aubrey approached her or even as her best-friend took her hand in her own. She knew not to speak until Chloe was ready. And it never took Chloe that long to finally tell what was bothering her.

After about three minutes of silence, the redhead spoke in a shaky voice. "She doesn't remember anything. Anyone. Me." Chloe's resolve finally broke in her best-friend's arms and the tears that she had been fighting off since Beca had woken up came to the surface. She gasped for breath as sobs wracked her body.

She was elated that Beca was alive, but it wasn't Beca. The girl in that room had no idea who Beca Mitchell was. She had no idea that she was a music genius with an amazing voice. She had no idea who her friends were. She had no idea of her feelings towards the redhead. She had no idea who the redhead was. Chloe cried harder, her sobs being the only sound in the empty hospital corridor. Aubrey held her. Chloe felt that it was a cruel twist of fate that this shell of the girl that they had all known was all that was left. The doctors were unsurprised at Beca's memory loss. They didn't think that with all of her injuries, that she would ever get them back. It was already a miracle in every sense of the word that Beca was alive and now awake. It seemed that Beca's memories were the price that she had to pay for her life. And with her memories gone, so was her personality. No longer was she the alt-girl who cared very little about things, now she was a scared, hurt girl with no idea what was happening.

Beca had displayed so much emotion since waking up. Chloe knew that Beca would never show such emotion in front of anybody except her maybe.

Chloe had always read in novels how painful it was to suffer a broken heart, and she had never understood that. How could something emotional become physical? But when Beca looked her straight in the eye and asked who she was, she was sure she felt something deep within her snap.

She had fallen in love with the old Beca. She didn't know if the girl in that room would ever be the girl that she had fallen in love with. Did she even like music? If she didn't, then Chloe didn't know what she would do. She was trying to steel herself. Trying to make it easier for Beca. She vowed that she would help the girl try and remember her life. If not, she would be there for her instead. As a friend.


Aubrey held Chloe until she had calmed down completely. The redhead now lay still in her arms, breathing evenly. The blonde realised that she had fallen asleep. She wasn't surprised. Chloe had been sleeping terribly since the accident and this was one step too many for the redhead to handle. Aubrey hated seeing her best-friend cry like that. Chloe rarely cried, and when she did, it was usually at movies or songs or romantic novels. But never like this. Aubrey knew what Chloe hadn't told her. The blonde had never seen Chloe light up with anyone the way that she did with Beca, not even with Tom. She knew that Chloe loved Beca, that Chloe was in love with Beca.

The blonde slowly detached herself from Chloe, careful not to wake the other girl. She then slowly walked into Beca's room. The small brunette was sitting up in her bed, staring out of the window vacantly. She looked like she was thinking hard, but it was unsurprising as Aubrey suspected that she had a lot to think about.


The brunette turned her head to look at Aubrey. The blonde was shocked and disturbed to find how much she missed that look of disdain that Beca usually sent her way. Now there was nothing within her eyes. Beca's face was still cut up and bruised from the accident. As the blonde approached the brunette's bed, the small DJ tried to sit up a bit more, only to grunt and hiss in pain. Aubrey waited for her to settle again before speaking to her.

"Beca?" she said again, unsure of anything else to say.

Beca looked at her with vague interest. "I'm sorry. Do I know you? The doctor's said that I've got some severe memory loss so I'm not trying to be rude or anything..."

Aubrey stared at the girl. This wasn't Beca. Beca would have told her to get out as soon as she saw her. This girl here was polite and caring. It unnerved Aubrey. She started to understand why Chloe had been so upset. This wasn't right.

She realised that Beca was still staring at her expectantly. She cleared her throat. "Um, yes. We were in the same society. We were... acquaintances." No point lying.

Beca looked at her before smirking in amusement. That simple gesture tore at Aubrey's insides. It was finally hitting home that the girl that she had secretly liked was gone forever.

"Acquaintances? Ok? Are you a friend of Chloe's?"

Her lack of knowledge made answering harder and harder. "Um yes. I was just here to get her. It's nice to see you awake, Beca." Aubrey smiled at the younger girl before turning on her heel and leaving, not waiting for an answer. It hurt too much. She gently woke Chloe before the two of them left the hospital.

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