chapter 30

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Bright blue met dark blue and everything else melted away.

Chloe surged forward but stopped herself before she pounced on Beca. She didn't know what condition the small brunette would be in. Instead, she grabbed her hand and pressed her lips to the smooth pale skin there.

Chloe looked into Beca's eyes and saw that recognition that hadn't been there for so long. And in that recognition, she saw love. Before she could register really what was happening, Beca had pulled her down into her embrace, circling her arms around the older girl. Chloe returned the gesture happily. She pulled away and looked again into those deep blue eyes that she loved.

"Beca," she said softly. There were no other words at that moment than her name. Her name meant everything to her. She had nearly lost that girl and now she was back. Her Beca was back.

Beca smirked, sending butterflies exploding in Chloe's stomach. The small brunette pulled Chloe back down, connecting her lips with the redhead's soft ones. For the first time in months, they both knew that everything was going to be alright because they were both there for one another. They were together. And nothing, not even death, could separate them.

Chloe pulled away smiling. The kiss had made her feel giddy and she couldn't stop beaming at the small girl in front of her.

Beca couldn't help but stare at the redheaded girl before her. She had never thought that she had been more beautiful than she was right now. Her hair was tousled and her cheeks were flushed from the kiss. Beca hadn't forgotten what had happened at Regionals. But Chloe had stayed with her the whole time that she had been in hospital. She had found Beca when she had been lost in the woods. She had been so patient with Beca's memory and had been the one to help Beca remember. And, she had made Beca fall in love with her all over again.

The look that Beca was giving Chloe made the older girl's stomach erupt with butterflies. The small brunette leaned up, ignoring the flare of pain within her chest and knelt on the bed, capturing Chloe's lips in another kiss. This one was longer than the others, both girls moving in time with the other, deepening the kiss. Beca slightly nipped at Chloe's lower lip, causing the older girl to gasp, allowing Beca entrance into her mouth. Neither girl was sure how it happened, but they both ended on Beca's bed. Beca didn't want to risk hurting herself further, not now that she had a reason to get better. But she couldn't help herself from straddling the redhead and continue kissing her.

Chloe had never been kissed the way that Beca kissed her. Beca's kisses made her knees weak and made her feel hot all over. And Chloe loved it. In a way, she felt like Beca was her very own drug. She could never get enough of Beca.

When both girls pulled away, they were both flushed and breathing heavily. And neither of them were unaware of the dilated pupils that the other sported.

Beca smirked. "We should probably stop..." Chloe raised an eyebrow in question. "Any more making out like that and I will never let you go."

Chloe felt like crying. This was the side of Beca that only she was allowed to see. The uncharacteristically sweet side. The side that wouldn't ever admit to wanting to do anything for her.

Chloe returned the smirk before leaning up and capturing Beca's lips yet again, letting her hands circle around the smaller girl's slight waist. She pulled away slightly. "And why would that be a bad thing?"

"It would be an amazing thing."


When Chloe left Beca to rest, she found Aubrey waiting for her.

The blonde stood when she saw the redhead. "How's Beca? Is she alright? Do-" Aubrey squinted at Chloe. "Did you do any talking or did you just make out for an hour?"

Chloe felt the blood rush to her face. She turned to see if there was any way that the blonde would have been able to see her and Beca.

Aubrey's voice made her turn back around. "Your lips, Chlo."

Chloe raised her hand to her mouth and felt the puffiness that had resulted from the heavy make-out session that she had had with Beca. She grinned sheepishly at the blonde who snorted at her.


Aubrey smiled at her best-friend. "Love to."

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