Chapter 35 Schemes

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Xie Miao and her entourage mingled among the crowd, taking in the excitement of the reunion of the Dingyuan Marquis family after a long absence and the enthusiasm of the people watching.

Fu Lu, Lan Xia, and Qiaogu were all in tears. Infected by the emotions of others, they all shouted "The Marquis of Dingyuan is mighty"! No one noticed that Xie Miao's face was dull and her eyes were covered with frost.

She looked around and saw clearly the happy and excited faces. There are men and women, old and young, beautiful and ugly... Their mood at the moment cannot be faked. They truly and sincerely believe that Marquis Dingyuan is an unparalleled hero and Dingyuan Marquis Mansion deserves the best praise in the world.

How many of them easily turned against the Dingyuan Marquis Mansion when they were slandered? As many compliments and praises as they have uttered, in the past they have uttered twice as many dirty words.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it down; when the drum is broken, thousands of people beat it.

The common people are naive and simple, and can easily be led and incited by people with aspirations. For them, cheering and shouting for others today and scolding them shamelessly tomorrow are all ways to vent their abundant emotions in their spare time. Even if they learn the truth in the future and feel regret for at least a quarter of an hour, they can quickly join the side of justice. They will occupy the moral high ground with an awe-inspiring attitude, and accuse others of their ignorance and viciousness.

Completely forgetting that they were once one of them.

The Buddha has five precepts: do not kill; do not steal; do not engage in sexual misconduct; do not drink alcohol; do not lie. (quoted from "Zengyi Agama Sutra")

Do not speak evil words, do not speak lies.

After being born as human beings and practicing for a long time, there are only a few people who can cultivate their true body.

Xie Miao withdrew her gaze and slowly landed on the Dingyuan Marquis family.

In her previous life, she had only heard about the heroic deeds of Marquis Dingyuan, but now that she had seen him, she knew what it meant to be upright, brave, and extraordinary. Years and months of fighting did not leave any violence in him, but instead precipitated a kind of unparalleled toughness. His temples are white, his eyes have a reserved but sharp light, and his tough face shows the vicissitudes of time, but more importantly, it is the calm gift of time.

Looking at the heir of Dingyuan Marquis again, he is twenty-five or six years old. He is handsome, cheerful, and full of energy. He is in his prime years for great ambitions.

Zhou Niannan, on the other hand, is handsome and suave, Madam Marquis Dingyuan is stunningly beautiful, and the whole family standing together is truly a dazzling sight to behold.

Xie Miao thought that she was really not a saint, otherwise she would have racked her brains to help everyone change their tragedy when she was reborn. But she is too lazy and just wants to take care of her own one-third of an acre of land. Only the Dingyuan Marquis family, Dingyuan Marquis Mansion was loyal but was brutally destroyed...

The loyal and righteous family should be recompense with good things.


Fu Lu once again received the errand of delivering a letter. It was also a letter to the Second Young Master. This time it was not sent to the letter bureau, but to Fan Yuanzheng, the head of the Ministry of War.

Fan Yuanzheng returned home from the government office. As soon as he changed out of his official uniform, he heard the butler knock on the door. The butler claimed that a letter had been delivered to the house in the afternoon, asking him to deliver it to Cui Muli, the second son of the Cui family.

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