6. Unravelling Mysteries

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Becky opened her eyes only to see Freen tensely staring at her. She found herself in her room and heaved a sigh. Freen said, "Becky, how are you feeling now?"

Becky looked at Freen and touched her cheeks. She cupped Freen's cheeks and moved closer to her lips, as if her lips were calling her to devour them. Freen felt surprised at Becky's behavior. Before she could protest, Becky's soft and tender lips landed on Freen's. They shared a passionate kiss, as if their lives depended on it and neither was ready to pull away. They continued sucking and devouring each other's lips until they were out of breath.

Suddenly, Freen came back to her senses and removed Becky's hand from her cheeks. She said, shaking Becky's shoulders, "Becky, what's wrong with you? Why are you behaving strangely?"

Becky, who was being shaken, snapped back to her senses and said, "Freen, I can feel someone overlooking me. I feel like I can hear someone's voice. And down there in the prison, I felt someone push me, and then I don't remember anything!"

Freen listened carefully and said, "What was this kiss about?" pointing towards her lips.

Becky was shocked. She said, "What? When did I kiss you?"

Freen was confused by Becky's response. She immediately felt a strange feeling, as if the person she had just kissed wasn't Becky. Her brain stopped working. She felt unease and didn't know what was happening. Becky said, "Freen, is something wrong? Why am I behaving strangely?"

Freen hugged her instantly, tapping her back. Even she didn't know what was happening, so she didn't know how to explain it to Becky. Freen and Becky hugged each other for comfort. Suddenly, Becky pulled away and took out the book she had found in the morning. She said, "Freen, I got this book in the morning. We should read it."

Freen said, "Yes, you mentioned it earlier..."

Becky interrupted, "What did I say?"

Freen said, "You mentioned this book earlier when you were guiding me through the palace. You even said you knew the place well because of the book."

Becky was shocked. She said, "Freen, I didn't even open this book. Are you hallucinating?"

Freen said, confused, "No, you really guided me through the palace until we reached that underground prison where you lost consciousness."

Becky listened and said, "I just remember you taking me on your back, and we went to Anilaphat's room. Then... I screamed. Wait, I don't remember what happened in between. How did I reach the underground? What's wrong with me?"

Becky placed both her hands on her head and thought about it. She felt strange and couldn't understand anything. Freen, who listened carefully to every word of her explanation, started to piece together the information. She stood up, shocked, and said, "Becky, I think.. I think..... you're....being possessed!"

Becky also stood up from her bed and said, "Freen, really? I don't believe in these things, you know that..."

Freen said, "Well, whether you believe it or not, you're experiencing strange things. You know, I saw myself hanging on the rope down in the basement, and even saw you screaming not to hang me!"

Becky said, "You were hallucinating again!"

Freen didn't want to argue with this brat, so she remained silent . She saw themselves wearing dresses of that generation and even found that it was not her but Anil and Pin. Oh god, what a mess! What's happening?

They both sat down, sighing heavily. They didn't know if they were hallucinating or if there were spirits around. But they were so tense.

Finally letting go of things, Freen said, "Becky, let's read this book. We may find more answers!"

Becky nodded, but suddenly her stomach growled, making Freen giggle. She said, "Okay, I'll bring lunch first, then we'll start reading the book. Lay down for a while, okay?"

Becky nodded like a good kid, and Freen went down to the ghost cook, who prepared them a delicious lunch. They both enjoyed it!


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