what he thought

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She looked pretty. A kind of pretty that made me upset. Although I had seen her before; it was never like this. What was she thinking opening the door when she looked like that?

Her hair, her everything. Yet, I found myself feeling dislike for her. She robbed me. I wasn't dumb enough to fall for her — was I? Because the way things were looking, the way she was looking.

I stepped inside cautiously, her house was messy but clean. It was the perfect balance between a clean freak and a hobo. She gave me a rude smile as she led me up.

The way she was dressed caused me to lose focus on why I was here. I was only here to cheer her up, and nothing else. Self-control, right? "Can you stay here? I didn't realize you'd be here so quick, and I need erm."

Her words were forcibly cut off as she finished it with a slight gesture towards her robe. Clothes, I think that's what she was going to say. She probably just had a shower. Her hair was pretty, a beautiful colour. If it wasn't already my favorite, then it is now. She made it look pretty.

Such a waste, so pretty with such a nasty attitude. All I wanted was Kaiser's attention. Others call it crazy, freaky, but Kaiser saved me. Kaiser was the first person who really saw me. I got used to the feeling of being known too quickly. So much that I rely on him for it.

I sat on the chair and waited so patiently for her. Fiddling with my thumbs. It didn't take her much longer to come down. That was a lie; it just didn't feel long. She looked comfortable, but still stylish.

Like she wore what she was comfortable with but still looked absolutely gorgeous doing it. I swear she could make an old man's taste in clothes look pretty.

Enough about her beauty, and more about how shitty she was. Except, she wasn't that shitty. I wish she was. I'd feel much better if she was hateable. So that I could justify the way I treated her.

But instead, she laughed when we watched movies. She'd frown at the slightest bit of negativity, and she humanized the characters so much. She got attached to the characters so quickly. She was the opposite of spiteful.

Honestly, I don't know but I guess if it's her then she'd be good for Kaiser. Yet, do I want to give her up to Kaiser. I owe him so much, but do I owe him her too? 

Night eventually came, and I had to leave. Surprisingly, I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to bring myself to it. I had to talk to her, and apologize. But that would be so uncomfortable, how was I so selfish. But then again, she was stealing the only one I had.

It's not my fault.

"Goodnight, then."


How was it

Did y'all make up

Nothing funny happened w my girl right?

Selfish shit, she ain't your girl

Let me be selfish

Y'all are so funny??? I'm sorry but you all suck it's not any of y'all

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