Nervous wreck

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You were in the stadium a couple hours before your big match. You had practices for hours yesterday, but still managed to get enough sleep. Yet, you were here practicing even more because you didn't want to lose this game. You couldn't lose this game.

To make matters even more dire Reo would be there. As much as you trusted him to not judge, you knew he was rooting for you and didn't want to disappoint him. Reo was too fine to see you make a complete fool out of yourself. He hadn't seen you in so long that you must make a lasting impression on him.

It was now half an hour before your match and your team was here. You'd changed into your team jersey, and because of practice you were already warmed up. Instead, you used those thirty minutes to rest until you saw Reo enter the venue. He was right in the front of the VIP section, and therefore so close to you. You sped up and went to him.

The way his eyes lit up as he saw your face was probably going to mess your heart up. "Y/n? Oh, God." His voice was more like a breath as if he was lost in it. You were confused, but bubbly at his beauty. "Fuck, Reo, I'm going to lose my mind."

So blatantly flirting with the boy, but you can't be blamed. He was so beauty. His hair was like a gem, amethyst was a common one, but that wasnt it. Tanzanite. Reo's hair reminded you of that gem. You wonder if it'd suit you. Ah, his hair shined like monkshoods in the sun. You could rant about his beauty forever, but you had match to get to.

He took you hand, and have it a quick kiss. "Goodluck, Y/n."

If you managed to keep your composure for this game, that'd be a miracle. He had you seeing little hearts in a circle. But instead of retaliating, you responded with a dorky smile and turned around. "Don't worry, I'll show you something cool."

Now, sometimes you ask yourself why on earth you said that, but it fired you up. You knew what you had to do. You'd show not just him, but every other team why you were the ace. You had a discussion about tactics from your team as you recognized someone from the opposing team.

"Guys, that girl — number nine, she's fast, really fast. No, not faster than me, but be wary because she's really good at fakes. Make sure to cover all angles. You know we go to finals if we win this, right? So to our setter, don't lose focus from pressure. We won't be mad, just calm down. To the blockers, jump as high as you can no matter what. Our libero, you know what to do."

A smile appeared on your face, "And I'll do my job as the ace."

You weren't wrong. You did your job as the ace. Because by the time the first set was over, your team has taken a sharp lead of 15 points. However, you were a greedy person, and that wasn't enough. You didn't just want to win, you wanted to crush them.

Isagi must have rubbed off on you because right now, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together as you realized how to devour them completely. By the third set, everyone knew there was no saving for the opponents.

But they hadn't given up, they hadn't realized that it was over the second you stepped on the court. Instead, you showed them why. You got carried away, but this game really sparked something in you. Something that the opposing team were late to realize. They gave up, but you admired their continuous persistence.

The lead had reached 30 — 48 to 18.  It crushed them, but they didn't scream. The whistle blowed and you relaxed. You had over exerted yourself because of your urge to show Reo something interesting. It worked, but your health wasn't able to cooperate. You have your bows to the other team, and quickly ran to Reo.

His face was laced with worry as you stumbled. "Reo, I'm tired." You mumbled as he helped you walk to his car. He drove off to your house, managing to enter as the key was in your pocket quite obviously. He put you on the couch and gave you water. You sat in silence, head on his shoulder for a while. Until you both decided to alert the others of the situation.


Lil hiori
Hey guys

How'd it go?

It went well I can just tell

My girl is so talented

I believe in her

She won, like by a lot

Oh. Well, good job ig

Yeah congratulations or wtv

Of course you won. Well done ig

I wish I could've seen u play. U did so well I wldve busted a nut

Lil hiori
Yeah no shidou

Someone needs to detain him


Oh, y/n. I'm so proud of u

Yh, well done

Lil hiori
Thank u guys, ahhh, thank u ren

I showed up, drove u home but no thank u?
Maybe I shld go

Lil hiori
Nl, no thank u. I don't want u to go yet

I don't like this sensation

I guess even the great Kaiser gets jealous

Djd u guys miss my presence

This hobo again?

I'm sorry? I'm beautiful

Good job y/n, and Oliver u look like the homeless guy on my street who used to grab my hand when I didn't give him money


Y/ns so good at everything, perfect lady. Good job

I have to admit, I'm proud of y/n

Lil hiori
I have to admit, I love u guys

Make sure to rest wel.

Lil hiori
I will, don't worry

And Reo, I've you're going to be there for longer, take care of my sister for me.

I will, don't worry.


Chapter end

I released this on time, bc for once I wrote in advance. I hope u guys liked this chapter. And sorry thr were was so much story like ik some people dislike that part of fanfics.

Eat well, sleep well and hydrate so that I can be your final moon. I love you guys so much, take care and stay safe. Goodnight, good morning, good evening, good afternoon.

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