(Had a Lil free time and in celebration of nearly 700 reads I said have a chapter
Can I get a wootttt?
No again fine? I'll woot woot myself☹️)

Third person Pov

Parent-Teacher night had commenced and there was a buzz all round the room with teachers speaking to parents...

Azana sat at her table politely conversing with her students parents..
She saw Marco walk in searching for someone..
When he saw her he ran over and hugged her..
Zana gushed at his little cute self..

"What are you doing here bub?"
"I came with my uncle and i wanted to show him my favoritetest teacher in the world!!" Marco replied excitedly

"Well where is your uncle bub?"
"Right over theree" he pointed him out

Gray walked towards azana while texting Theo about Xanders "lunch date" with azana..
He didn't see her sitting there..

"Uncle Gray Uncle Grayy here she iss
The bestest teacher in the world!!"
Marco said as he pulled him closer to the table..

Grau looked up and made eye-contact with azana
It was his first time being this close to her in person
He stared at her mouth agape and thought about how beautiful she was while memorizing her features in his mind..

Azana called out to him
"Sir are you okay?
Would you like to have a seat?"

"Yeah I'm fine I'll have a seat thank you"
He responded still staring

Usually azana hated being stared at but she found that with this man and Xander she kind of enjoyed having their eyes on her..

Azana no!
She chastised herself
This is basically cheating on Xander even though he isn't our man
Her subconscious yelled at her
You can't find him attractive what about Xander?!

She zoned back in after thinking about Xander..

"Good evening Mr ?"
"Santana but I'd much prefer you call me Gray" he smiled at her

*Folds immediately and moans* Those teeth perfectly aligned
I'm a sucker for a man with good teeth
Azana you're being weird thinking about people's teeth and shit stop...

(This my dear darlings is where we learn your dearest authoress has a thing for good teeth😔
Gimme your teef
I want all the teefs😗
Okay im being weird I'm sorry
No regrets boi🤭okay I'm done for real back to our regularly scheduled programming...)

"Well Good evening Gray
My name is Azana and i am little Marco's Teacher...
Well he introduced you as his uncle
I won't ask where his parents are so there's no need to worry shall we talk about this little cutie?" Azana ruffled Marco's hair..

This man is fwoine she thinks to herself
"Well thank you beautiful" Gray chuckles
No no nooo
She's thankful that she has melanated skin as she feels her face get warmer
I thought outloud she cried mentally..

Hehe he called me beautiful though
She thinks to herself..

"I'm so sorry" she cringes thinking about how she said he's fwoine..

"Nah you good Ma" He looks her directly in the eye as he says it..

Y'all this man know exactly what he's doing chile let him continue
Imma buss it open for him real mfking quick..

This man has been here for nearly an hour and all I've been doing is ogling at him we really need to start talking about Marco but the sexual chemistry between us is so strong!!
A part of me feels bad knowing that I like Xander...
I think I'll just tell Xander about Gray
We're friends anyways so he'll be okay with it I hope..

Wait let me not be forward what if Gray is in a relationship or married?
Please No!

"Right so our baby Marco
Yes i said our baby I'm adopting him
He's ours now please and tank yew"

He bursts into laughter and I join in finally breaking the sexual tension and we begin the meeting...

To be continued..

She feels guilty about liking them both lmaoo wait till she finds out
How are we feeling today?

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