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His hatred was rooted in the fact that she was like the Cullens, like the cold ones that Sam had warned him about— their natural-born enemy. He hated her even more because, out of everyone else in the world, she was his imprint.

But this hatred didn't stop him from the instinctual need to know absolutely everything about her.

Sam had informed him that the Cullens called her August, though the ravenette in question was quick to tell him that it was Augustine to him that afternoon, and she hadn't been in town nearly as long as the others had.

The Alpha recalled seeing her for the first time, weeks before Paul underwent the shift, and pointed out that her eyes had only recently changed to an amber colour. The teenager was there when she revealed her age, truly seventeen but physically stuck frozen at sixteen, but that was as far as his knowledge went.

He hated her because there was a part of him, a part that Sam outright encouraged, much to his dismay, that wanted to know the little things like her favourite colour and why she always wore a silver ring on her thumb.

"She's your imprint— get your head out of your ass."

Imprints were a sacred thing to the wolves and the process didn't happen to just everyone; the elders used to say that meeting your imprint was a gift like no other, but Paul didn't feel that way.

And evidently, neither did Augustine, based on the number of arguments the pair had recently. He quickly noted how she seemed to enjoy getting him angry, even though it rarely took a lot of effort for someone to do so.

Like on that afternoon, he arrived to the creek side, the place that Sam requested he patrol in the afternoons after school, in an already terrible mood. He had a small spat with Jared about Augustine since it seemed like all everyone wanted to do was talk about her.

Jared Cameron phased before Paul had, making him Sam's second-in-command and Paul's closest friend as of late. Jared himself had already found his imprint, a girl from school that he had already had a rather large crush on, but hadn't picked up the courage to tell her about their kind yet.

He kept pestering Paul on their way home from school. "You don't know how lucky you are, dude. I don't even wanna think about how I'm gonna explain all this to Kim."

Paul had scoffed meanly in the other teen's direction. "Lucky?At least Kim's not a leech."

Jared had no witty comeback to that, just shrugging with a, "maybe she's not so bad?" but Paul didn't wanna hear it. So, in his already moody attitude, he set out for his patrol along the creek and mentally prepared to see her there. And he had, the girl appearing a few minutes after he had with a cheeky grin on her face that practically screamed trouble.

Paul noticed that time went a lot quicker whenever he and Augustine were together, so it was no shock that the minutes flew by as they exchanged heated jabs at one another. He knew she enjoyed the fight, and he was more than happy to oblige and let out the anger he felt regarding their situation.

It was all just a game, all in mocking fun, until he had asked her the million dollar question of, "is being self-absorbed your only personality trait, or are you just a plain old killer?"

The Lahote boy was observant, it came with being what he was, so of course he immediately noticed the way her pale, pristine face shuttered as if she was caught off guard. "You don't know what you're talking about, dog," the girl snarled, and Paul couldn't stop the irritation that seeped into his body at being called a fucking dog.

But, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed that he finally managed to catch her off guard, and continued his attack.

"How many people have you killed, August?"

The air around them grew thick, uncomfortable, and the reasonable side of Paul immediately wanted to retract his statement. The impulsive side, however, was not deterred.

"It's Augustine, you tool," she snapped in retaliation, and it was suddenly all too clear that he hit a nerve. "And I'm not a killer."

"I think you're lying to me," he said matter-of-factly. In truth, he was bluffing —had no idea if she had actually killed before— but from the stories he'd heard about the cold ones, he wouldn't be surprised if she had blood on her hands.

The ravenette across the creek visibly tensed, "I'm not a killer," she repeated, voice sounding significantly quieter than it did when she first starting pestering him. It was almost as though she was trying to convince herself, now, instead of trying to convince Paul.

The older teen took a calculating step towards the very edge of the creek, noticing how she seemed to take a step back subconsciously. "C'mon, you can be honest with me; I won't tell a soul," he promised, but there was malice in his tone as the reasonable side of his brain teetered away.

Paul figured everything was fair game, hell, two days ago she had asked him what brand of kibble his mother was feeding him. The rage he felt that afternoon was blinding, and since then he had wanted payback in some form or another.

"You're being mean," she mumbled, just low enough to be heard by the boy.

"You started it," Paul scoffed out, unsure of why she was getting so defensive now. His statement was true, she was the one who started their petty, arguing streak because she wouldn't stay away from the treaty line.

It seemed that he struck a nerve, sure, but her behaviour was full of defeat—she was throwing in the towel, and the older boy found himself saddened at the thought of her not returning. It made his stomach churn, made him want to punch something.

Her voice shook him from his thoughts. "And now I'm ending it," she snapped, and Paul's face was pinched in confusion for a beat. He tried to say something in retaliation, something to get her to stay and keep up this hating game they played, but his voice was stuck in his throat.

The shifter watched as Augustine glanced at her watch before looking up, Paul's brown eyes tracking her every movement. With a final look at the shifter, she gave him a wave and plastered on a convincing smile. "See you next time, wolfy."

The response should have soothed Paul, but it didn't. He was beyond frustrated with himself, with the entirety of the situation, and growled to himself as he threw a nearby rock into the creek. He listened to it hit the running water and let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in.

His mind was jumbled; he enjoyed their fights, their very much surface-level digs, but as he watched her dart into the forest with inhumane speed, the reasonable side of his brain roared back to life.

Paul upset her, which was truly a far cry from how he wanted to anger her. He wanted to poke fun and unleash his frustration over the fact that his imprint was a vampire onto said imprint, but he'd taken it too far.

Anger was one thing, one thing he knew well, but sadness was another. So yeah, Paul hated Augustine, but it was because she made him feel.

Why the fuck couldn't she have been a human, though.

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[ wyn's note ]

second part of the double feature and paul POV paul POV! poor guy is just a jumble of chaotic emotions honestly, but maybe this will help him get his shit in check!

all love ! xx

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