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Jared Cameron's face seemed to shutter at that. "You can't what?"

It was followed by Paul rolling his eyes at his best friend's antics. "Vampires can't eat anything dude... you know this."

He sputtered out his response from his place holding the empty tupperware of what should have contained Emily's famous chocolate chip cookies. "Yeah, but I thought maybe there was some leeway and that food would just taste gross. But you can't at all?"

"Nope— everything tastes like dirt and we have to pull trig if we do eat something normal."

"Ouch... but in that case it was definitely Quil."

It was one of those afternoons, a gloomy summer Saturday, where Augustine took up residence at Sam's house. She had been hanging out with Seth when she first arrived, accidentally arriving earlier than when Paul's patrol normally finished, but it was no sweat off her back because she loved the Clearwater boy. He was so bright and energetic, it was almost always infectious.

She'd stayed with him, watching reruns of Scooby Doo of all things on Sam's television, until Paul and Jared waltzed through the back door with boisterous chatter. Paul practically shoved the younger boy off the couch from where he was seated next to Augustine, telling him that Quil was waiting for him by the treeline to start their rounds.

He begrudgingly went, mumbling on about how unfair it was that he had to patrol when the cooler girl was over. Said cooler girl couldn't even coo over his remark when Jared stormed into the living room, waving the empty container around with bewilderment. That was what led to the Cameron boy accusing Augustine of eating them all, even going as far to say that he counted a total of fifteen cookies when he departed earlier in the day, and now, there were evidently zero.

Alas, it had to have been Quil and his rampant sweet tooth that rivalled Jared's. Augustine didn't want to spoil the mystery for him, but she'd smelt the Ateara boy's scent faintly when she arrived, and even she knew that he was the culprit.

"I can make you some more before I head back?" the younger girl offered, seeing as Emily was out of the house and the look on Jared's face was one of pure disappointment.

His head snapped in her direction, and even Paul sat up a bit straighter. "You can bake?" he questioned, almost hesitantly as though to not get his hopes up.

Augustine, however, looked at the boy like he was stupid. "I was a human once, Jared; I know how to make cookies."

He surged forward, pulling the vampire off the couch and pushing her in the direction of the kitchen. "I'll be indebted to you, I swear, could you please show us your baking skills?" he pleaded, hands clasping together in front of him. "I'll cover Paul's patrols whenever you want to see him, I'll—"

"She doesn't have to do shit, Jare," Paul growled out, joining them in the nearby kitchen. She looked at him skeptically, and his facade cracked. "But if you wanted to, y'know, just bake a few..."

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