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I'm sorry for a lot of things; like how long it's taken me to suck it up and write you back— like how I wanted to kill you that night. I'm sorry.

Rose says I shouldn't even bother writing this, that we should all be trying to move on or some garbage. But I had to apologize in some way or another, otherwise I think the guilt would eat at me for the rest of my undead life (lol).

As for Edward, I haven't heard from him in quite some time. I think he still blames me and Jas for what happened, and that I definitely understand. It was our fuck up that sent us packing, so if anyone is deserving of the cold shoulder, it'd be us.

Please don't drown yourself in the 'what ifs' and all that; you deserve to live the most human life possible. You need to fall in love a million times over, get into a good college, get tequila drunk on a spring break. Do it all. 'Cause I wish I could, but I've literally never been dealt a winning set of cards.

This is the last you'll hear from me for a while.

Your friend always,
Augustine Cullen."

゚☾ ゚。⋆

Paul read over the letter in his hands at least twice before he turned to the brunette beside him. "You've gotta be kidding."

Upon the Cullens departure from Forks, the following months had been dreadful for Bella Swan. Eventually though, she turned to her friendship with Jacob Black for solace, only to end up uncovering their tribe's secret.

And imagine her surprise at seeing how Augustine's 'best friend', Paul Lahote — she remembered, was in on it too.

Which led them to where they were, merely a week after Bella discovered their secret when she'd received a letter from her departed friend in the mail. She'd grown accustomed to hanging out on the reservation with the rest of her newer 'friends', if you could even call them that, and turned up to Sam's that afternoon with the letter in hand.

When Paul overheard Jacob and Bella discussing its contents, the boy practically tore it out of the human girl's hands to read because for the last few months, Paul Lahote was having severe Augustine withdrawals.

Patrolling near the creek became somewhat of a chore. He would always leave the room when Jared would have Kim over, or if Sam and Emily were being overly affectionate. And above all, he was angrier than usual. When he first got his hands on the letter, he almost memorized the messy handwriting that screamed Augustine.

After the night the young vampire left him standing in the woods, heavy guilt plagued his mind. Y'know that saying, you never know what you have until you lose it? Yeah, Paul was feeling the repercussions of that now.

Selfishly, he wondered if Augustine was feeling the same. Only, she made it abundantly clear that she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. And something about that fact, coupled with the fact that perhaps she would never return at all, made his stomach churn uncomfortably.

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