Ch. XVII ✡Overlord Y/N Morde✡

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EXHAUSTED, YOUR BACK ACHING, AND YOUR hands cut and poked from horribly attempting to pull splinters of wood out of your palms with a needle or the tip of a knife, you go down on your knees, dragging yourself inside the tan colored tent fit for two to slumber.

One side of the tent is simply a black blanket with a green pillow decorated with spider printing, and the other side, a pink fuzzy blanket with a pink heart shaped pillow, and a small, spiked, black polka dot pig sleeping soundly in a pile of messy clothes tossed to the corner.

At first, you didn't like the fact that you had to tent bunk with Angel Dust, but...beggars can't be choosers in times like this when comfortable supplies are limited.
There were only five tents for eight people. Husker and Niffty were assigned one--though Husker threw a little temper tantrum because of having to sleep beside Niffty, who has shown signs of being...a little unpredictable.

Charlie and Vaggie took another, all the while the last remaining two tents were given to Lucifer and Alastor.
Lucifer, being an awkward gentleman, had offered you to bunk with him, though you kindly declined.

It of course had nothing to do with Lucifer's personality, it simply had to due because of the fact...well, he's a king, and you're just an Overlord's daughter. You aren't an Overlord yourself. Though Lucifer makes it clear enough that he doesn't care about rank when it comes to those he considers friends, you still felt like that option was out of your hands.

Plus, you noticed the pile of rubber ducks inside his tent, and the medium sized duck plush toy laying beside a duck pajama set. Sleeping beside him would be like sleeping next to a child, though you don't mind that. It's cute, honestly. But you wanted to give him his own private tent.

You had considered bunking with Alastor--as insane as that sounded--but Alastor declined everyone, and requested he has the tent to himself.
Selfish, is what you thought the moment you heard him declare he'd rather have the tent for his use only. But shortly afterwards, on the first night bunking with Angel, he told you a story about how he woke up at 3:00 in the morning to see Alastor standing at the end of his bed, his smile even wider than normal as eyes were glowing a bit brighter.

That story alone was enough to convince you to never consider Alastor as a bunking option. Though thankfully, Alastor's selfishness worked on everyone's part, and spared you the night terror of waking up and seeing him staring at you like you're his next meal.


So, tonight, despite everyone's request that you retire for the night with them--you remained working out on the hotel for little over an hour, before exhaustion had reached the point to where you were falling asleep on the way to your shared tent.

Going to your side of the tent, you bring the blanket to your chest, curling it tightly under your chin, as your eyes shut. For a moment, you let out an exhale, missing the softness of your bed and blankets in your familiar bedroom, whereas out here you wake up with a sore back from sleeping on barely two inches thick worth of padding.

You haven't returned home for three days since Zestial and you argued. You always hated whenever there is tension between the two of you, but what else could you do besides be honest?

Zestial knows how strongly you feel about this purpose you chose willingly to be a part of, why can't he just accept that this is making you happy? Why does he always like to assume that he's the only one who knows the ways to your happiness?

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now