Ch. XXI ✡Appetite For Gambling✡

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AFTER EXPERIENCING A LONG AND QUITE UNCOMFORTABLE hot and muggy day, it felt so incredibly nice to finally feel the night-time air cool your skin after enduring hours of immense heat. And how to properly end such a day? A nice relaxing evening conversating amongst your friends around the campsite, before obeying your body's urge to sleep and going in your tent for a well-deserved slumber.

But...any thought of a nice, pleasant sleep was disrupted from Angel about four hours after you went to bed.

At some point during the night, Angel--while remaining asleep--rolled over and wrapped his bottom two arms around you, while the top two hang off of you, as his head rests on your shoulder, tilting to the right near your ear as he snores.

And you're just laying on your side, your back against him, while your hands and arms are tucked up to your chest, completely pinned and about to explode in three...two...

You glare up at Angel's passed out snoring face which is only inches from yours, and you begin to push him. Your third attempt already, but he's shown to be quite the deep sleeper, for he hasn't stirred once.
"Angel," you groan, annoyed and uncomfortable from the way his body is positioned on you, "get off of me."

Hell, why did you decide to stay the night at the Hazbin staff campsite instead of going home as you have been these past few nights.
If you did go home, you'd have an entire bed to yourself, and you wouldn't be crushed by an eight-foot-long MALE spider demon in a cramped tent.

Goodness you're relieved that you father isn't witness to this right now. Imagine Zestial's face if he saw you were like THIS with Angel Dust. He would cause havoc amongst everyone and everything. 
But it's not really Angel's fault. When your asleep, you probably do things that you wouldn't do if you were awake. So, that's why you aren't letting your anger get the best of you.

But still, this is no exception, especially when you have a reputation as Zestial's daughter AND Overlord to watch over.

When Angel doesn't stir from your nudging and pushing attempts, you sigh deeply, hands running down your face in annoyance and exhaustion. You haven't been able to sleep a wink because of Angel's snoring AND his out of nowhere cuddling.

It's time to stop playing nice and use a little force.

With another loud sigh and an aggressive push, you manage to get Angel off of you and watch as he flops over on his side of the shared tent, still very much passed out, his body in an awkward position as his mouth hangs slightly open, one arm somehow managing to be under his head as his wrist dangles over his face.

Well, now you're too awake to go back to sleep. How wonderful.
You glance at Angel, a small, amused smile forming on your lips seeing him like this. He appears like a child laying on top his bed with messed up blankets and thrown pillows from aggressive tossing and turning. It's a little cute. And quite a rare thing to see.

You giggle a little, deciding to throw his blanket over him, which then causes him to mumble something under his breath. It sounds Italian, and you laugh softly again.
It always surprised you to think someone like him knows how to speak Italian, but then again, he was a part of a gang back in the 1940s, so, it's logical.

Another thing you'll point out that you find adorable is when someone decides to make Italian dishes for dinner, Angel has to step in and make sure that the one cooking is doing everything in the correct manner.

It's a funny thing to sit and watch, Angel walking back and forth with a wooden spoon as he points at those preparing dinner, telling them how much of this to add, and when to take out the noodles, etc...
It almost makes one forget about who he really is and makes them see the real him.

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