Ch. XXVII ✡I Won't Say I'm In Love✡

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WHAT AN EMBARRASSING CROSSROAD Alastor has found himself standing in front of.
One road leads down his normal path of carnage and blood, the screams music to his ears and the flesh an all you can eat buffet.

And the unfamiliar and zig-zagging path that will lead him to two different places.
The first, being at his devilish little friend's part of the Pentagram, Rosie.

The second...leading to the one reason he finds himself walking to Cannibal Town.


And guess which road Alastor will take? Sadly their won't be any bloody footprints left behind so that is the answer all on it's own.
He's taking the road and going into the unknown, all the while meeting a friend along the way.

Alastor exhales. He can't really understand when exactly it was that these newfound...emotions began to take place.
All he can remember is simply embracing you, and realizing how much it would hurt when he would have to let go.

How revolting, Alastor almost gags in his own mouth.
This is the exact opposite of how he should feel and act, he knows this.
So why can't he fix this himself? Why does he need to go to Rosie and ask for help?

It's so embarrassing.

With a heavy sigh, Alastor takes the final step and enters the little corner of the Pentagram that is called Cannibal Town. A place of simplicity, class, and style. Where the radio's always play, the people smile and wave, and the buffet and bloody fountains are always open for service to the public.

All the little things to remind him of an era lost...and an era he longs to bring back once more.
The modern age of Hell's distasteful. And deep down, it's an era he strongly goes against.

Thank goodness SOMEONE had Alastor's similar mindset and became mayor of this darling, bloody town. At least their is one place Alastor feels like he truly belongs.

A place with it's doors open for cannibals, and someplacewho still holds a 1920s style.

Alastor walks down the sidewalk, both hands clasped behind his back and his posture straight as an arrow.
As always, heads turn towards his direction, while eyes widen and smiles appear on faces upon realizing it's Alastor who has graced their presence today.

Silly, isn't it? Just outside, all the residents of the Pride Ring screech in fear before running away when seeing Alastor.

But in Cannibal Town, he's welcomed like a family member who has left and recently came back for a quick visit.
Enough proof for him to see that he truly is welcomed somewhere...

A few women cannibals stop dead in their tracks while walking, before suddenly whispering to one another and blushing furiously, sharing little comments and quiet giggles hidden behind the hand held fans in their grasp.

Just as Alastor's mother always claimed, he would be a thief of hearts.
Though alas, while he's stolen not one, but possibly hundreds of hearts, no one has yet to steal his own. least, he THINKS no one has stolen his heart. He can't really say for sure.
All he knows is that something has changed, that from one moment to the next, you were a stranger, and then a friend, and then...

Something unknown.
Goodness, always a first for everything, hm? And here he thought he experienced it wrong he truly was.

You always seem to prove him wrong.

"...well who hasn't thought about eating there first husband! I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad!"

Alastor softly shuts the entrance door to Rosie's home/office behind him, taking his place in the center of the crowded room to wait for her to finish speaking with the other demoness.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now