Chapter 4

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3rd POV: (At the Yamazawa family)

Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada lay in bed and cuddled. "Hey, Sho. How was your day?" Hizashi asked his boyfriend. "Fucking stressful. I barely slept. Also, Nem (Nemuri Kayama aka Midnight) broke the coffee machine. Yours?" "I was teaching English to Class 1a when I noticed that Midoriya was concentrating more on his notebook than on the lesson. I always wonder what he has there that causes him to write in it so much... Anyway, I called him up and gave him a task. He should demonstrate how approach a lost child. Of course he should say it in English. To my surprise, he was able to answer it excellently, despite the fact that the task was pretty difficult. Other than that, nothing exciting or interesting happened." Aizawa sighed and said, "I'll worry about it later. We should sleep now. I'm too tired to worry about it right now." Yamada laughed heartily at his boyfriend but said, "It's fine. Sleep well, Sho." Aizawa whispered another 'Goodnight, Zashi' and fell asleep. Shortly afterwards, Yamada also fell asleep.

✨time skip, a week later✨

Izuku's POV:

I sat in class and waited for Aizawa Sensei to finally arrive. A few minutes later he appeared. "Hello class. I have an announcement to make. We're going on a camping trip at the end of the week with a few other pro heroes." The class erupted into chaos. Some students were looking forward to it, others didn't really like it because they didn't like camping. "SHUT UP!! I wasn't done speaking yet." Aizawa shouted at us. "Apparently questionable creatures appeared in a large forest area and we were tasked to take a closer look. We will go there on Sunday. Any questions?"

A few students including me raised their hands to ask their question. "Yes, Iida?" "How long will we be there?" "For two or three weeks maybe more. The next one... Yes, Kaminari?" "What kind of creatures are they?" "As I said, we don't know. That's why we're going to go there... Momo?" "Is that even safe? I mean, if we don't know exactly what the creatures are, how are we supposed to know if they won't attack us? Also, what happens when the LOV is there. They could also interest for those creatures or they want to attack us again, like they did at the training camp?" Many of the students shuddered at the thought. "Pro heroes will come with us. Otherwise we'll see what will happen... Ashido?" What should we take with us?" "I have no idea. Just take what you need with you. Definitely not ten suitcases or anything. One or two bags should be enough. Don't overdo it. You should remember that we will be in the forest. Something like a sleeping bag would be practical... Yes, Midoriya?" "Should we share the tents then or should everyone bring their own?" "You will share tents." ...After more questions were answered, Aizawa Sensei gave us five days to prepare. I already had a rough plan of what I was going to take with me. But at first I had to go to Mei.

When we finally had break I made my way to the support course. Before I entered the room I counted to three to make sure the door didn't explode. I went in and walked to Mei. „Hey, Mei! What are you working on?" I asked my friend. Mei was looking through some blueprints but when she heard me, she looked up and immediately hugged me. „ZUKU! I want to show you something! I heard from the class trip soon and got some new ideas for you!" She showed me excided the blueprints. „Hm... What exactly is that supposed to be? It kinda looks like a backpack." „That's what it is! The bag has many smaller compartments that you can access perfect for your weapons and equipment. In addition, it has a lot of space and it fits up to 30kg! In addition, it should sit comfortably and be ideal for hiking."

„You really have to work on your writing. I can barely read it!" I deadpanned. „Then why don't you do it?! Your better in it anyway. So why should I care? I would just build but you said I should plan the things." she complained. „And he is right at that! If you would plan things properly they wouldn't explode! Oh and hello, Midoriya." someone suddenly scoled. I turn around and said: „Hello, Power Loader!" „You're here again? You have a break now. Then why are you here again?" „Well I like it here and I wanted to help Mei a bit sooo."

„Honestly why don't you join the course? Thanks to Mei your good in building stuff and your blueprints are really good." Power Loader joked. Mei's eyes lit up and she yelled: „YES, he is right! Join the support course so we can make a lot of babies!" I laughed at her but had to deny: „Sorry but no. It's more like a hobby. I wish to become a hero." I saw Mei looking disappointed. „Mei, look at it different. Who are you going to work for if I'm not going to be a hero?" I looked at Mei. Since Mei was smaller than me I have to look down. „Ok, I got it. But promise I'll be your inventor!" she asked. „Sure. I promise you'll be my inventor." I promised her and Mei started cheering. Power Loader suddenly cleared his throat. „uhh, right. Sorry, teach." Mei said and Power Loader sighed. „Honestly you look like you're dating." „Wha... No! Never! I-" I stuttered. „The broccoli boy and I. Dating? Never! I see him more as a older brother! Nothing else!" „Same here." I agreed with her. „I see. Sorry about that. I have to go now. Don't explode the course, Mei. Oh and Midoriya, you should hurry up 'cause there only 15 minutes left before break is over." My eyes widen. „Shit! We have to hurry up. Lets get to work, Mei!" „Hell yeah!" Mei grabs some stuff and I looked over the blueprints again. Seeing this Power Loader left.

✨timeskip, five days later✨

Finally I finished packing. I took a quick look at the list again: sleeping bag, tent, extra clothes, snack, a book about animals and plants, a handbook about camping and survival tips, a book about plants, two empty notebooks with pen and my weapons. Mei really overdid it with the backpack. I still had some space left. I checked the time. I still had an hour left before I had to go to the bus that would take us to the forest. I had a strange feeling about the trip. Whether it was the excitement I don't know. I had a feeling that I'll never forget this trip. Whatever happens, whether it was good or bad, I'll find out there.

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