
118 4 7

Word Count: 1149


Senjuro quietly opened the door to the med clinic. He could hear Kyojuro softly snoring. He tried not to wake up but ultimately failed. The now-setting sun streamed through the windows, illuminating Kyojuro.

Senjuro walked up to the bed and apologized, "I'm sorry I woke up you, Kyojuro, but we need to talk."

Kyojuro just nodded in response. He'd let Senjuro take the lead.

"I'm sorry about everything that transpired last night. I wasn't thinking. You're in this bed, wounded, because of me. So, I'm sorry." Senjuro looked down, unable to meet his older brother's eye.

But Kyojuro just smiled. "It's alright, Senjuro. It's not completely your fault. If we're assigning blame then I should be held accountable. I was the one who attacked the demon. You tried to stop me."

"No, but it is my fault. I should have given you a choice. Instead, I tricked you. I shouldn't have done that. I'm a liar." Senjuro's lower lip trembled, something he had done since he was younger, a sure sign that he was about to start crying.

"Senjuro, please look at me. I have something to confess to. I was truthful either. I came home from training with good news, but it was a lie. I can't go on missions anytime soon. Even before my stitches reopened, it would've taken me at least a month before I'd be able to take on smaller missions."

"But... Why would you lie about that?" Senjuro was confused and worried. Kyojuro never lied and he was always truthful, especially with his brother.

"I wanted to give you hope. You have seemed different lately. I thought it was because you were still sad I was still injured. So I lied, thinking you would return to being your normal, happy self. But it was wrong of me to give you that false hope. I'm sorry too, Senjuro."

It was silent for longer than normal. Then, Senjuro launched himself at Kyojuro.

"I could never stay mad at you brother, especially when we were both wrong. If you never want to see him again, I understand completely." Senjuro pulled away from his brother's arms and scanned his face. He didn't seem angry or sad anymore. That was good, at least.

Kyojuro sighed, he may regret saying this later, but he would be vulnerable. "I might not be completely opposed to at least talking to him. He did save me after all..."

Senjuro's face lit up. "Really? You mean it?"

"I just have a few questions. Although, it can wait until later. There may be prying ears in this estate. It's still broad daylight after all. We must watch what we say. I only want to protect you. You mean the world to me, and if anything ever happened to you. . ." Kyojuro shuddered just thinking about it. He couldn't imagine a world without his younger brother.

"Of course, we can wait until you get discharged from here. When we have a moment to be truly alone."

Senjuro started to leave, but Kyojuro grabbed his hand before he could.

"Please, be careful. I still don't trust him. Just. . . stay safe, alright?"

"Of course, but you don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself. I'm not ten years old anymore. But thank you for caring. I appreciate it a lot." Senjuro smiled before he opened the door.

"I love you, Kyojuro."

"I love you too, Senjuro."


enjuro returned home. His father was passed out, drunk, on the floor, completely unaware that his one son was injured in the butterfly estate again.

He sighed as he closed the door to his room. He was lucky that he got home okay. The sun had set and he had walked home in the dark.

Senjuro was about to get ready for bed when he remembered Akaza was still in his closet.

"Sorry, Akaza! I almost forgot you were in h-" he stopped mid-sentence as he opened the closet door. Akaza was gone.

Senjuro panicked. What if someone found him?! His father was asleep so it couldn't have been him right? Maybe another demon had found him. . .

Then, Senjuro noticed something different in his closet. A small piece of paper was on the floor.

Senjuro bent down to see what it was. Upon closer inspection, he saw words scribbled down on it. It was chicken scratch, barely even legible, but Senjuro made out the essence of the writing.

"Gone for night. . . back by dawn. Please sleep." Senjuro realized he would have to teach Akaza how to write and read properly. Senjuro sighed. He didn't care that Akaza was gone. He was tired and he wanted to sleep. Akaza would be fine.

He crawled into bed and rested his eyes for the night. He was completely unaware of where exactly Akaza was going.


Akaza sprinted through the dark forest, going on the same path he had just run on last night. He had told Senjuro he was leaving but he didn't specify where.

The smell of wisteria wafted through the air. He was getting close. Those beautiful but deadly purple trees came into view. He could see the giant mansion behind them.

Kyojuro was there. . .

He didn't care about those stupid flowers that were currently burning his lungs and eyes. He wanted to see Kyojuro again. He couldn't wait. He had to make sure that he was okay. That the doctors had done their job correctly. It was his fault that his stitches had re-opened, his fault that he had to get stitches in the first place. . .

Akaza would apologize to Kyojuro again.

There was that same window that he had crawled through the night before. Kyojuro was behind those walls. His heart was racing.

Akaza slowly slid the window up and crawled through. He closed the window before he scanned his surroundings. Kyojuro lay asleep on the bed. His breathing was calm and soft. He was lying on his back, the bandages on his stomach visible for all to see. There was dried blood leaking through them. Akaza cringed, that was his fault. . .

Akaza walked up to the bed and put out his hand but paused before he touched Kyojuro. Should he wake him up? Was this the right thing to be doing? Kyojuro freaked out last time. . . What if he did the same this time too?

Akaza started to retreat silently back towards the window again. Unfortunately for him, the wood flooring had different ideas. The resounding creak of the floor sounded like a bomb blowing up.

Kyojuro stirred in his sleep. Akaza stayed perfectly still, afraid that his presence would send him into a panic again. Kyojuro's eyes slowly fluttered open and roamed around the room, until they landed on the man with pink hair and stripes all over his body.

The demon spoke only three words, "Please don't scream. . ."


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