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Word Count: 1063


Kyojuro didn't scream. He didn't even seem to be afraid. He just stared at Akaza with an unreadable expression. He didn't seem happy, nor did he seem angry to see Akaza. Akaza supposes it was better than him screaming curses at him.

"I wanted to apologize. . . For everything. I didn't get to apologize properly yesterday. I'm sorry for hurting you. After the battle, I felt something different. Regret and guilt. . . I didn't realize it then though. I wanted to explore these new feelings. So I searched for you. I didn't feel welcome with the other demons since I failed to kill you. It seemed like I was being shunned. I stopped eating too. But when I was out there. . . It felt like I was free for the first time. Then I finally did find you, but your brother was the one who spotted me first. Of course, he didn't trust me at first. But I explained my situation to him. And he finally agreed to let me see you and talk to you. That didn't go so well though. . . I'm sorry about that too. Though, I got your sword back after I threw it into the forest. I went back and grabbed it before I came here."

Akaza reached behind him and grabbed Kyojuro's Katana. Kyojuro finally moved and reached out his hands for the blade to be returned to. Akaza tried to look into Kyojuro's eyes, but he refused to meet the demon's gaze.

"I like your blade. It's sharp and well-crafted. The sword guard is also amazing, and it really fits you." Akaza tried to ward off the awkward silence by complimenting him. Unfortunately, that did little to help the stiffness of the air.

Kyojuro opened his mouth for the first time since Akaza came in though. "Thank you, for returning this, and for the compliment." No mention of Akaza's apology.

"Do you mind if I sit?" Akaza asked the hashira.

A curt nod was his only response. 

Akaza sat down on the bed across from him. Kyojuro watched his every move, but still no trace of any emotion on his face. Akaza was about to speak but Kyojuro beat him to it.

"I can't forgive you. You have been a demon for probably hundreds of years. Who knows how many innocents you have slaughtered and eaten? You say that you have changed for the better, but that does not change years of murder. You are still a demon. The only reason I have chosen to keep you a secret is to protect my little brother. He seems to have taken a liking to you." Kyojuro paused for a minute to let those words sink in. Akaza looked crestfallen.

"I... I understand. I wouldn't forgive me either. But is it possible we could just talk? It doesn't have to be about anything important. I like you a lot and I don't want this to be the end. I'm hoping this could be like a new beginning for me, for us."

Kyojuro sighed. "I don't like you being here right now. It's unsafe for the both of us. Once I am dispatched, then I will speak to you more. Then we can see about that 'new beginning'."

Akaza smiled, fangs and all. "Thank you Kyojuro Rengoku. I will come back in a week's time. If you are gone then I will visit your house. Is that okay?"

"Fine. Just be careful. This whole situation must be kept a secret between you, me, and my brother. If anyone else finds out about you and I talking, we will both be put in imminent danger." Kyojuro's gaze was hard. That same look from the night at the Mugen Train, when Kyojuro and Akaza first met. The day that would forever change both of their lives.

When Akaza nodded, Kyojuro spoke one last time, "Now leave and quickly. I'm sure the wisteria doesn't feel too nice in your demon lungs. We will see each other again in seven days. And remember, no eating. If you want to start a new life of good then you cannot kill and eat anymore. Good luck."

Akaza got up from the bed and made his way over to the window. He creaked it open slowly and carefully before he looked back at Kyojuro one last time. Kyojuro was still sitting up in his bed staring at Akaza as he crawled through the window. Before, Akaza left though, he turned back and gave Kyojuro one last toothy grin before he jumped out the window and ran off into the night.

Kyojuro relaxed as soon as Akaza was out of sight. He forgot to close the window but it would be fine. He'd tell Shinobu it got hot last night and he opened the window. She may scold him for getting out of bed but oh well. He'd get over it and so would she.

Kyojuro only had a week. To prepare for the conversation they'd have. Would he actually befriend this demon? It was not only dangerous but downright dumb. It put his whole family at risk. Was he being selfish? Should he have just turned the demon away? He wished he knew all the answers.

Kyojuro slouched back into his bed. Exhaustion was creeping up on him. Something was different about that demon. He was interesting, to say the least. What if he really could be redeemed? What would that mean for the Demon Slayer corps? That would be proof that some demons could be shone mercy. Maybe a few demons could be turned to the light.

Akaza would be the start. He could be proof that it was possible. Former uppermoon three, now a demon fighting against his instinct to devour human flesh. He may even be able to help demon slayers learn more about demons. Akaza could be the key to finally defeating Muzan.

It seemed the Demon Slayer Corps were on their way to victory and for more reasons than one. . .

In the red-light district, a difficult battle was brewing. One that would change the course of history between demons and humans.


I strongly dislike this chapter, and it is too short but it's okay because a good part of the book is coming up that I am so excited to write.

I hope this wasn't too hard to read. 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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