The General: 1

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Brock Cortes POV:

"You will do better, understand me lieutenant?" My daggers just barely catch his uniform shoulder, nipping the patch on the fine sage material.

"Yes sir." He has no hesitation in his response, catching the dagger with utmost certainty.

"Good." I nod, sheathing the dagger back into it's holder when the lieutenant hands it back. "I expect you to be here on time tomorrow. We find out details about the battle we are undertaking then, and I expect all of my men to be armed and ready."

I get a large echo of 'yes sir's and spin on my heel, turning away from them.

Good. I always knew this war was coming, and I must be prepared. This will result in carnage and chaos at best; every one of my soldiers must put on their finest performance.

I will not let a group of imbeciles make a fool of me. I am the general of the biggest kingdom in the continent of Kabai, Hirenth. My name is Brock Cortes. Know it well, because in a months time, everybody should cower in fear at the very first syllable of my name.

I shall make sure of it.

We are going into war between Novruin, Xeguris, and Clelica, and I am leading my army. I have no doubts we will come out on top, as I have lead us successfully into battle over the years. This is how I have earned the title of Kabai's best general, and also the youngest at twenty three.

"General Cortes." A cavernous voice pronounced.

I pivot on my way to my bedroom chambers, where I was eager to find the papers on which I wrote our ploys for the war, and bow at the sight of the king.

"Your Majesty. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I nod at him.

"I have a mission for you." He nods.

"Shall I retrieve the troops?" I ask.

"Do not bother yourself, this is a one man job. In order to get into Novruin, we must find a discreet yet useful entrance. Use a small boat to get onto one of the shores, and do not let anyone see you as the general. Wear a dark cloak, and scout for a good opening to their land." The king commands.

"Yes, your Majesty. I shall be back by dusk tomorrow." I nod, and the king waves me off.

A new mission is in the air.

And just as I had suspected, the cold war has turned hot.

Very well, let the battle commence.


I dock the boat I brought along at the shore, tying the rope to a root. No one appears to be here, so I shed the heavy dark cloak I beared the long way here. My arms ache from the rowing, but it was necessary to bring a regular boat. If anyone had seen our army crests, things would have gotten messy swiftly.

After dropping the cloak into the boat, I step onto the soft sand and march up to where the woods start. Our army is rather big, so I have to find a large place we can set up camps.

As I step through trees and over twigs, I come across a large clearing in a circular shape, going about forty feet both ways.

That was awfully convenient. A little too convenient.

"Hello, General Cortes." A voice, smooth like oozing honey talked from behind me.

Unsheathing my daggers, I spin around, ready to fight, when all I see is...

A nymph. Of course. This is the Northern Kingdom Of Nymphs after all.

I put the daggers back in their slots, and pause, mesmerized by this creature before me.

Her body is small and frail, but she is undoubtedly in her twenties. Stance tall and curious, like each of her curves was carved from the finest of marble, by the finest sculptor in the continents. Her pale skin sprinkled in freckles across her face and shoulders like fairy dust, and her fingertips are slender and long. Her hair is long and free, colored light brown like the tree bark around her, fading into honey blonde by the ends. Eyes emerald green, with a splash of darkness like liquid starlight. Legs long and slender, and although she cannot be taller than 5'4, she is still small to me, considering I am 6'4. Her whole frame is encased in a lacy white sundress, making her look like she is a forest fairy.

I cannot look away.

"How do you know of me?" I say coldly.

"I know of your name." She corrects me. "Quite the reputation you have made. But introduce yourself anyways?"

I look at her with question filling my eyes, astounded by her beauty and grace.

"General Brock Cortes." I hold out my hand for her to shake. "And you would be?"

The nymph steps toward me, as if she could glide across the land like she owns it before taking my hand. The small and slender palm fits into my massive grip like they were made to hold each other. The curious expression on her face compels me closer to her, but I resist using my last brain cell.

"I am Gallaleigha, the forest nymph of this sector." She gives me a soft smile, leaning in to inspect my face. "You seem like an honorable man, Brock. I must say, it is quite refreshing to meet someone dissimilar to the other nymphs I hold in company."

"There are others?" I ask, a bit of panic seeping in my voice. "Do they reside in the area, Galla?"

No one must know I am here, or my kingdom will not have a general.

"Of course there are unbounded nymphs. I am restricted to this sector. I may leave if I wish, to see the other nymphs, but to do that I must leave an heir, and I am quite content with myself here. The others do not live here though. Most unbounded live in villages." She shakes her head, and reaches her fingers up to trace my jawline.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I snap, pushing her finger away.

I despise the overwhelming intensity I feel in her presence. Something irresistible, so extreme and severe that reaches past our mortal realm and touches the divine. Something that leaves me breathless, aching for her touch. Yearning.


"Such hard rough edges.. every line and divot is for a reason, a calculated existence." She says, far away in her thoughts as her fingers trace my face. "Despite your renowned title of being the jaded general, I see something beautiful within your dullen blade of a heart. A strong, loyal man."

Galla's declaration almost makes my knees weak as her face frowns and she traces along my bicep.

This woman will be the absolute death of my sanity.

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