The General: 25

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Brock Cortes POV:

It has been a week since my last visit with Galla, a week since I had sent those soldiers over to construct the addition to her home. I was giddy and frivolous with anticipation to see her- my girl. And I would not often describe myself with a description so ridiculous, but if I speak my truth then that it shall be.

I had somehow managed to delay and maneuver my way out of the discussion of a marriage to the princess, but after a discussion between both myself and Kacieanne, we had agreed we need to maintain under her fathers radar until she or I had managed to gain a suitor.

And so I decided I must escape.

I have realized over these several weeks of entertaining myself with the thought of a lifetime with a certain nymph, that I no longer found enjoyment in my occupation as I once might have, being the youngest and most achieving of a general.

But although I had not discussed these thoughts with my darling, I knew Galla would try her best to accommodate my wishes. I never ask much of her; only for her love and loyalty, and for the rest I compromised to myself that I should carry through. 

It all began the night before the present, when I had the most splendid dream.

Galla had been with child. I had vacated my profession as general to accompany her living in the forest, and together we had made a life in the woods with our children. It was truly a beautiful dream, and I woke up with the foggiest and tackiest of smiles upon my mouth. 

I have been infatuated with these thoughts ever since.

I want an existence where I can wake up to her beautiful beams, trying to convince myself that it is not her but the sun waking the world every morning.

Although she is both the sun and my entire world.


"Darling?" I knock on the door with my knuckle, a quiet rap only to be heard by her.

It goes unanswered, and I fret a little bit.

My lieutenants should be gone, finished up the job only to have left this morning.

I glance around to find the only remaining tent being Andreas's. What is he still doing here? I ordered for them to return precisely at eight. It is currently eight thirty, and he nor Galla are no where to be seen.

Suspiciously, I slip off my shoes at the welcome mat, sliding through the crack I had opened the heavy wooden door. I am hit by the scent of her; it is everywhere, and it is absolutely stimulating.

I poke my head around the corner to see-

Andreas with Galla pushed in a pinch in midst of his chest and the wall. Her expression is petrified and horror stricken as his hand pushes underneath her bust. She just looks-

Panic, panic, panic, panic, panic.

"What the hell is this?" I roar, jerking Andreas away from my innocent nymph. "What do you plan to do, lieutenant?"

Andreas's eyes grow at my presence, appearing as though he did not suspect me to be here. Those cunning eyes of slits narrow at mine, and he sneers as I slam him backed to the wall.

"Just catching up with an old friend, general. No need to fly off the handle." He waves his hand around as if dismissing his previous acts.

Everything falls into place as the gears in my brain turn. The only sound is Galla's soft whimpers and my heavy breathing, seething and simmering in rage.


This man's name is dead to me.

"You will never, and I mean never," I bellow with a finger wagging in his face. "Lay a finger on this woman again. If you do, I possess full access to the king's guillotine, foresaid I will not cower to use.""

"I have no queries about it, sir." He gives me a taunting snicker. "I will be on my way, then, general. Should I inform the king of your whereabouts?"

"Not if you enjoy having attachment from your upper body to your lower." I snarl, yanking the man who winces by the shell of his ear and out the front door.

I slam it as hard as I can, mostly to reassure both myself and my darling that the fiend has departed.

"Brock," Galla comes from behind me before bursting into tears. 

"Oh, my darling, I am so, so sorry." I envelope her in my arms, tucking her sobbing head between the crook of my neck. "I made an egregious misconception, this is entirely my fault..."

She weeps into my arms for what appears to be twenty minutes before I scoop her up and take her into her bedroom. I help the doleful woman into pajamas before tucking her into the bed, stripping to my own shirt and shorts before climbing in to holding her to my chest.

She sniffles and cries and bawls, and I stroke her head gently through each shudder of her delicate frame. My heart laments for the distress and torment I have put this lenient nymph under.

"Galla, I cannot express to you how much remorse I feel. I never should have compelled my lieutenants into finishing the renovation tasks without your approval." I whisper, voice cracking as I speak. "Did- did he attempt anything?"

"N-not until you made your entrance..." She snivels, leaning into my touch. "I thought I would never have to see him again."

"My darling, I apologize candidly, devoutly, from the bottom of my heart that only beats for you. I am sorry I put you through such a feat and do not blame you if you find yourself ill at ease with me near." I mutter with a kiss to the crown of her head.

"Brock, if you had come in moments too late, I would be a dead woman." Galla's eyes flutter shut, glistening in the agony brought tears that coruscate the warm chandelier lights. "I do not wish for you to leave me again..."

"Oh, Galla..." I kiss her forehead repetitively. "Do not worry. I shall never vanish as long as you find yourself in peril."

"I need... I need you by my side. Evermore. I love you."

"Darling. I will not leave you, I vow to you on my life."

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