the seven rings

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On the other hand, after Shobha and Riya left, Anokhi was sitting on the bed holding Rishabh's photo. Looking at the picture he said, "You are very bad, very bad and heartless too. I am angry with you because of how badly you treated me that day. But still I will never leave you, will never leave this house and will always maintain this relationship. Do you know why?, because your father had said that if I maintain this relationship then he will fulfill my wish which I always wanted. That one wish of mine is everything to me. To fulfill it I can do anything, even sacrifice myself. Therefore, I will obey everything you say, I will do whatever you say, I will always do whatever you say. ” Saying this, tears fell from her eyes on Rishabh's picture, which Anokhi removed with her fingers.


Rishabh was standing with his eyes closed in the balcony of the Presidential Suite of the most famous hotel of Paris. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants. He was wandering in deep thought with his eyes closed when suddenly a gust of wind touched his face and Rishabh opened his eyes.

For a moment he felt as if his face had been touched not by air but by someone's hands. He found this feeling very strange. His heartbeats suddenly started beating faster. He placed his hand on his chest and said to himself, "What is happening to me? Why is this heartbeat beating so fast? ”

Just then his phone kept in his pants pocket started ringing. He took out the phone and picked up the call without looking at the phone screen. A voice came from the front, "Boss, they have come." “

On hearing this, Rishabh's eyes became hard and his gray pupils started shining dangerously. He put the phone back in his pocket and left the room taking his long coat kept on the chair.

It was 8:00 in the night in a deserted area where no one was visible and looking at the silence there it seemed as if it was midnight. Then, breaking the silence, the sound of some footsteps started coming. Some people were coming out of a very old warehouse with big boxes in their hands.

A big truck was parked a few steps away from that down and they were keeping these boxes in this truck. Those boxes were so big that two people were needed together to lift them. All those men wore green colored dresses and there were about 30 such people there.

Two people were carrying a box towards that truck. One of them said, "All these boxes have to be put in the truck as soon as possible, otherwise if he comes again then we will all be in trouble."

Then the other man said, " You are absolutely right man. He destroyed 2 warehouses of the boss in these 3 months. Because of which the boss has almost gone mad in anger and if he comes here too, the boss will shoot all of us in anger. But whatever you say, the leader of the seven rings, very vicious and dangerous, that's why those two warehouses were cleaned as if they did not exist and our boss could not do anything. ”

Then a harsh voice came from behind, "So you are praising me behind my back? ”

When both the men heard that voice, sweat started appearing on their faces out of fear. Both of them looked back in fear, their boss was staring at them angrily with folded hands.

"Boss, we"

The two men had just said this when suddenly there was a sound of the box falling in their hands and both of them fell on the ground. Blood was flowing from his chest and his boss was standing in front with his gun.

There was a silencer on his gun due to which there was no sound of firing. Their boss came to both of them and placing his foot on the chest of one man said, "I do not need such dogs who eat the bread given by me but when it comes to bite my enemies, they run away with their tails down.You people have so much courage that you are standing in my place and praising my enemy. ”

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