Alok scaring Kalandi.

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Kalandi got scared and stood up in panic after seeing the ball falling on the table. Glass pieces of the table were scattered on the floor and Kalandi was looking at it in fear.

Just then the chandelier hanging on the ceiling above her started shaking. Hearing its sound Kalandi looked up and the chandelier was about to fall, but Kalandi took two steps back in time.

But while taking a step back Kalandi's foot collided with that iron ball and she stumbled and fell on the floor. Along with her fall, the chandelier also fell on the floor.

While falling Kalandi's right hand fell on the glass pieces due to which the glass pierced her hand and blood started flowing. Due to which Kalandi screamed in pain.

Hearing so much noise all the servants of the house came to the hall. When they saw Kalandi fallen on the floor and the table and chandelier broken, they got scared.

They quickly picked Kalandi up and made her sit on the sofa and a maid started giving her first aid.

“What happened Kalandi, did you get hurt too much?  ", Alok said to Kalandi while coming down. Hearing his voice, Kalandi looked at him angrily.

Kalandi's eyes and her face had turned red due to anger and pain. She shouted, "All of you go from here."

Then all the servants left from there. Kalandi got up and holding Alok's collar with her other hand said, "You did all this to me, right? Why did you do it?"

Then Alok removed her hand from his collar and holding her jaw said, "You thought of killing my Shobha, you tried to kill her. Yesterday I saved Shobha by taking the bullet on myself, but remember Kalandi, there is no one to save you. If my Shobha gets even a scratch, then what happened today is just a trailer. You will die very badly if you even think of giving her pain. So stay calm and in a disciplined manner, this will be good for you." Saying this, he left Kalandi's face and went towards his room.

Kalandi shouted, “You did not do good to me Alok. I will take revenge from you. You will have to pay for this.”

Then she also went towards her room stamping her feet in anger. When she opened the door of the room, she screamed as soon as she saw the bed in front of her.

Her voice was so loud that it was heard in every corner of the house and all the servants and Alok came to her.

When all the servants saw the condition of the room, they also got scared. There was a dead body lying on Kalandi's bed whose body had turned white and there were many marks on his body as if some insect had scratched it.

Both his eyes were gouged out. A big L was made from his neck to his chest and many such wounds were made on his body which made him look very scary.

See that, all the servants took two steps back. Alok saw that Kalandi was sitting on the ground near the door and was trembling.  He picked up Kalindi from there and while taking her to another room, he told the servants, “Clean the room thoroughly.”

After reaching the other room, Alok let go of Kalandi with a jerk, due to which she fell on the floor. Kalandi was still in shock. Her eyes were filled with tears and her body was trembling.

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