Alok's word

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This time Anokhi got angry after hearing Rishabh's threat. She shouted and said, "What will you do? You will hurt me. Still I will not tell. Why should I tell you? I am not doing anything wrong. I have only taken a vow. I only have one wish, that's it. "

Rishabh came close to her face and said, "Yes, tell me, it is just a wish, what will happen if you tell me?"

"Then it will not be fulfilled. Ever since I have gained consciousness, I have prayed for the fulfillment of this wish of mine. Now even if I lose my senses, I will not tell anyone until it is fulfilled." Anokhi shouted angrily looking into his eyes.

At first Rishabh was paying attention to her words, but he smiled seeing her angry eyes and her loud voice.

He had come to know that even though his wife is innocent, even if she is a small rabbit, but when she gets angry, she becomes a wild cat who will definitely scratch him with her nails."

Rishabh smiled and lay down next to Anokhi and pulled her on top of him. Anokhi's head was on his chest and she tried to get up from him by placing her hand on his stomach. Rishabh held her waist and pulled her towards himself again and said, "Sleep quietly, understood. That's enough for today."

"But I have to go to my room.", said Anokhi.

Rishabh stared at her and said, "I told you to sleep. You didn't hear me. Now close your eyes or else I know 100 ways to close your eyes. If you say, I will try the first of these ways."

"No no.", said Anokhi quickly and closed her eyes tightly. Rishabh smiled and started caressing her hair slowly.

Anokhi fell asleep after a few moments and Rishabh too fell asleep without knowing when. Both were sleeping comfortably in each other's arms.


After everyone left, Praveen called someone and said to the other person, "You both reached safely. "

The voice came from the other side of the phone of the girl who is the sister of the man whom Rishabh had killed.

That girl said, " yes sir and thank you because you are getting my mother's tumor treated, otherwise my brother did not know about his own mother's illness. "
" you don't need to thank me , my sir told me to do all this but can I ask you one thing. "

" yes ask sir . " , the girl said so Praveen asked , " you knew that we will kill your brother then on our saying why did you agree to tell a lie about your mother's accident? "

" because my brother has not only done wrong things but has also ruined the lives of many innocent girls and has also raped many. he always got saved from the law but maybe this was his punishment I accepted this and you people are not bad if you wanted then you could have really got my mother into an accident and done your work but your sir did not do this instead he is getting my mother treated in such a big and good hospital that's why I helped you. "

Listening that girl's word praveen smile and cut the phone.

Alok's room_

Shobha had brought food for Alok but due to the bullet wound on his shoulder, Alok was not able to eat properly, so Shobha started feeding him with her hands.

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