𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭

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𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"Morgan, if I wanted a forward that runs around and is afraid to touch the ball, I would've specifically asked for one! Get to the damn ball and take the shot!" Coach yells at me.

I nod and wait for the next cross, shooting it into the goal. My pain was starting to rise and I could feel some discomfort from the pregnancy. Besides all that, I was having morning sickness for the past week and it is not at all what I was prepared for.

I have to make things look normal and go about my day how I typically do but, that's been a little hard with how much the baby is weighing on me. I sighed as I tried to catch my breath. I definitely do not want to puke on the field, lord knows I would never hear the end of it.

"Hey, you okay?" Megan asks as she comes over to me as I held onto my stomach. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. "Al, maybe you shouldn't be playing right now-"

"I'm fine, Pinoe, really. I just need to get my breathing together. I have to be in shape for the playoffs."

"Yeah well you're in shape to give birth." Pinoe whispered knowingly at me. I rolled my eyes as Sophia stood by us. "Al, you okay?" she asks and I nod trying to shoo them away before attention gets drawn in my direction.

"I'm fine, go before Kelley and Coach come over here. Just hand me my water bottle, please." I said as Sophia does so before I wave them off again.

I know what you're thinking, I probably shouldn't be out here on the field, which you aren't wrong to think. It's just, I still don't know what I want to do about the baby.

Do I want to keep it? Do I want to get an abortion? There's so many possibilities and I think I'm just worried about making the wrong choice. I'm also afraid to hurt Y/n.

If I keep the kid, will she want to be around, will we break up, are we prepared to be parents so young? If I don't keep the kid, will she resent me? Will she want to end things? If I put the kid up for adoption, will the kid later hate me for doing so? Will I be able to live my life with a clear conscience?

I just don't know what I want and that's frightening. The only things I've had to worry about are soccer, now there's a baby in the equation.

I took a swig of my water, trying to catch my breath and shake off whatever was going on with me. I got back into the play, dribbling the ball at my feet before I was tackled by Kelley.

"Shit." I mumbled as I quickly placed my hand on my belly. "You okay Al?" Kelley asks as she sticks her hand out to help me up. "Yeah, all good."

Coach blew her whistle as she went to talk to one of my teammates, seemingly scolding her. "Hey, look, I don't know if I did anything but, whatever it is, I'm sorry. I don't like all this distance between us, I feel like you're mad at me or something." Kelley says as we walked over to sit on the bench.

"Kel, I'm not mad at you and you didn't do anything wrong. I just have a lot going on and a lot on my mind, trust me, we're good." I reassured her. "Did Y/n do something." she spoke with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Kelley, can we not do this today, my life doesn't revolve around her so my life issues are not always because of her."

"I'm just saying-"

"Drop it." I said annoyed as I walked away from my best friend before she caught up to me. "Look, she isn't always the-"

"Kelley for Christs sake, let it go. She didn't do anything. I wasn't annoyed with you before but I might be if you don't stop."

"I just came over to give you a hug." Kelley said softly as I let out a sigh, hugging my shorter best friend. "Thanks, Kel." I replied, I felt a little guilty for snapping at her.

She's worried about me and I don't know how else to keep her close without telling her about the baby. I'm overwhelmed and I don't know how to handle everything going on in my life.

My mind was consumed with thoughts of the baby growing inside me, and the weight of the decisions I had to make felt suffocating. I've been debating getting the abortion more and more.

Practice passed in a blur as I struggled to focus on the game, my mind wandering to the daunting choices ahead. Abortion seemed like the easiest option, a way to preserve my future and protect Y/n from the burden of she and I being parents right now. But, the thought of ending a life I helped create also doesn't sit right with me.

I knew I couldn't keep the pregnancy a secret forever, but the idea of telling anyone, especially Y/n, terrified me.

What would she think of me? Would she still love me, or would she see me as a failure? Would I still be able to pursue my dreams with a baby on the way? The thought of sacrificing my passion for motherhood sent waves of panic coursing through me. I gotta figure my shit out.

. . .

𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"So, what's up with Alex?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Megan and Sophia sighed as they sat before Michael and I.

We'd all decided to hang out at the diner downtown and I knew they would be the only ones who knew what was going on with her since clearly, Kelley was just as clueless as me.

"I wish I knew," Sophia replied as she shrugged her shoulders. I looked at her blank and knowingly, there's no way she has no idea what's up with my girlfriend. I looked over at Megan who just stared into her cup slurping obnoxiously on her drink.

"So no ones going to tell me what's going on with my girlfriend?"

"I don't see you throwing Michael into the fire-" Megan jabs.

"Woah woah woah, I'm an innocent bystander here, don't try to rope me in." Michael laughs. "Anywho, what're you doing for your birthday?" Michael asks as he tries to cut the tension out of the air.

"Honestly, I don't know yet, I feel like 17 is such a weird age to turn. It's the gray area between adulthood and still being a kid."

I honestly didn't care to talk about my birthday because the only thing on my mind was what's going on with my girlfriend.

. . .

"I know I haven't been the best nor have I been consistent with us but, I hope this makes up for all of my faults as of late." Alex spoke softly as we sat down on the blanket at the park.

She set up a picnic with fake candle lights and a small table with different sandwiches and more placed on plates. "Al, this is so cute!" I squeaked out as I wrapped my arms around my shorter girlfriend. "I know I've been so bad as a girlfriend but, I'm hoping we can get back on track."

I nodded as I kissed her lips before we sat down digging in as we dove into conversation. Alex's laughter filled the air as I told her stories about Michael and I as kids and I felt so grateful in this moment to be sitting beside the most beautiful girl in the world. I couldn't help but to feel so lucky to have this girl.

𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"So, I've been thinking a lot about our future and how I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. You're everything I could ever want." I spoke softly and honestly.

Y/n is my best friend and girlfriend wrapped in one and I'm so fortunate to have her. "You know, I would love to be a parent someday. Imagine how cute our kids would be!" Y/n smiled excitedly and I could see her face light up. I almost choked on my drink.

"Kids?" I said clearing my throat. "Yeah, I want at least 2, obviously with a good gap between them." Little does she know, she's going to get a wake up call if I decide to keep the current child in my stomach. "It doesn't scare you? The thought of being in charge of another human being?"

"Well, not really. I mean, I'm great with Cassius, or so Sydney tells me. I love kids and I want some of my own, obviously with you, you know that." Y/n shrugged as her eyes glistened in the setting sun. Well at least she wants kids, that should make things easier whenever I decide to actually tell her that she's getting one sooner than she expects.

Heartbreak Anniversary | [Alex Morgan x You]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin