Chapter 4

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It was the guy from the store. He pulled out a soft boiled bluggsagc.
He threw it towards the dragon. It happily jumped into the air, the small round snack slipping down his throat.

"Oh, hello" he slipped down the roof.
"sorry for this, we had some stuff going on and he decided to run away" the boy explained.

"It's okay, at least he didn't eat me" I chuckled awkwardly. "I'm Ayla by the way"

"Nice to meet you, but I already knew that"


"You're the princess of Ravaryn Kingdom" He patted the dragon's head.
I nodded, even I forget that sometimes.

"I'll be on my way then"

"Right, save travels"

He hoped onto the the back of the dragon.

"Come on Shadow, fly us home"

Shadow understood the assignment, he flapped his wings making me step back by the force of the wind. And then up they flew into the night sky. I stood there for another minute trying to proses everything.

"You ready?" Ruelle got into position. Holding her sword out ready for battle.
I nodded as a hole army of soldiers stood ready on the battle field to defend off the wanderers. Crazy creatures that kills anything in their path. They have this thing, that they like. Destroy people and places. And this is part of the training I have to go through to become the qeeun, though I do not wish to comply with all this, I very much don't have a choice.

"Arch!" Ruelle yelled. From further on past the dust, I could see those vicious creatures coming. They were fast. Their dark magic turning the ground to ash like material. And I'm afraid that's what some of us would end up like. I clenched my sword tighter then ever.
And with that a fierce battle erupted on the dry lands, the clashing of swords and the screaming of voices were deafening. Bodies flew across the battle field. I disintegrated a few wanderers using my light abilities. But it was no use, more and more kept coming, and the more we continued to lose more soldiers.

This is bad, really bad!

"Ruelle we're losing" I yelled as we stood back to back fighting the wanderers.
"Yeah, no kidding!"

If we don't stop them, they'll enter the village. And I can't let that happen. I only have one option. To stop this hole commotion.

"Ruelle protect me"

"What why?!"

"Just do it, please!"


I maneuvered myself past multiple wanderers, watching as our fellow soldiers died. Their bodies turning to black stardust. The screams of agony replaying in my head.
I turn to look back at Ruelle, her blue orbs watching as her golden hair blew in the wind.

I exhaled, Ruelle fighting every wanderer coming my way.
"Lumanare!" light erupted around us, I levitated into the air, the remaining wanderers vanished into thin air. A terrible pain shot through my head. I fell to the ground, Ruelle by my side in seconds.

"Ayla, are you okay?"

I groaned, rubbing my head "Yes, I'm fine"

"You're hair"
I pulled at my hair to see it was as white as snow. But hopefully it will return back to it's black colour soon. Right now I need a message, my back feels broken.

"Dint worry, it's natural" she helped me up. One worrior came lifting me up on to his dragon.

"Take her back to the infirmary" Ruelle ordered.

"Affirmative" the worrior nodded.

We flew back to kingdom. The ride being demonically awkward, after I almost fell off five times. What a sick day. I looked down to see the palace.

"Hold on" the man said. And I did just that. We soured down at a fast speed. I bit down on my tongue, squinting my eyes and the intensity of the wind. We slowed as we lowered down to the ground. He slid off first, then helping me. A few guards came to help to the infirmary.

Once inside, I was layed down carefully onto a bed.
Docter Lendorr entered carrying a needle. I remembered when I used to have a crush on this man when I was little. He's the definition of beautiful. No joke.

I shut my eyes as the cold tip of the needle touched my skin. It sinked in cause a tipsy slight pain and a drop of blood when pulled out. He quickly placed a plaster on it.

"Thank you" I bowed.
He smiled down at me.

"Remember to take your luminous exilir. I'll inform your parents about needing more of that. You've done quite a move for someone who's untrained, so don't expect your hair to go back to normal anytime soon. That's how your body is busy restoring the amount power you've lost. "
I nodded at his words.

" I the mean time drink this" he held out a cup with glowing blue liquid in it out to me.

"What is it?"

"It's restoration, made from blue lotus. It's good for pain. Which you are in"

I grabbed the cup drinking the bitter liquid. It felt like acid going down my throat.

"Sheesh" I coughed.

"That's done, you're free to go"

I got up heading to my room. I fell asleep instantly.


I woke up from knock on my door. I moaned rubbing my eyes. It was dark already.

"Come in"

Ruelle peeked in. "Hey"


She entered my room further. She walked over to the balcony closing the doors. Then turned to me excitedly.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Wanna go have a drink?"

"I don't know I don't think my parents would allow it"

"Don't worry I already asked, and they said yes. Besides you'll have me and the others to protect you"


"It's to celebrate are victory thanks to you. So what do you say?"

"I mean... Sure why not"

"Great get dressed. I'll wait for you outside okay?"

"Okay" I nodded and she headed out,leaving me in my dark room. I'm so hungry.

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