Chapter 7

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I twirled in my dress in front of the mirror.
I looked spotless, or that's what I think. But who cares all everyone ever cares about is food and money. I'll make sure I barely get noticed tonight.
And keeping this piehole of mine shut at all costs.
There's no telling what could go down wrong tonight, that's why...

I always carry a small knife with me. Crazy right?
Keep laughing, you'll stop once you live the life I live. Let's hope you don't.
Anyways, I slipped on my heels which you're barely able to see. As they are hidden under this big dress. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in"

A maid stepped in carrying a crystal box.
She bowed holding it out to me.

"Thank you"
She bowed and left again. I opened the the box revealing my tiara for the night. The blue emeralds matching my dress perfectly.
I looked up at the clock.


I breathed out. I made my down to the ball room. Guests were still lined up at the entrance.

"—Good evening"  I nodded. Music was already playing with a few people slow dancing. My senses went up, as expected. A few vamps have entered.

"Ayla you're supposed greet not glare" My mother appeared out of nowhere.
I shook my head.

"It's hard not to"

"Well make it easy, you're not walking around with that smug look on your face all night" she pulled my ear.

"Okay, okay, okay. Owwiee"

"Good, now be a good daughter and go greet some people"

"Tch, oh fine."

"Good" I rolled my eyes watching as my mother disappeared. That sickening woman. I searched around the room for the most friendly looking people. Better yet don't. Never judge a book by its cover they say.


I turned myself around. It's Dahlia and a girl with golden hair bright blue eyes wearing a pink dress. Her wings flapping around. She's a fairy. I made my way over to them.


"This Maradelle, Maradelle this is Ayla."

I smiled at the girl as Dahlia introduced us to each other.

"She's also part fairy" Dahlia added.

"Oh, wow.."

"Yup" , I smiled.

Maradelle clapped her hands happily.
"Do you have your wings yet?"

"Not yet" I answered.

"Dont worry, you'll probably get them soon"

"... I should go greet other guest"

"Okay, good luck"

I waved good bye then started walking around looking for my next target/targets.

My yap was on the ground. As my mother and the king and queen of Mordino walked my way their son following behind.

"This our daughter Ayla" my mother said.

The man and woman smiled delighted as they bowed and I did too. They looked beautiful, the woman with her long golden locks and her husband with his brown hair and grown beard,that had a little strands of grey hair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, dear child. This is our son Nero."

The boy looked at me for a second before smiling. He took my hand and kissed it.

"Pleasure to meet my... Future wife"

'future what now?! Oh Hella nah'

"Yeahh..." I shook my hand out of his grip. Them sweaty paws. Yuck.

"Ah, yes Ayla. You'll be marrying Nero."

"Wow, how great" I snarled. My mother gave me a stern look. The was the sound of a spoon being banged against a glass. Everyone turned to my father who stood at the front. It's time for that one damned long speech of his that seems like it goes on forever and never stops. Usually I'd excuse myself to the bathroom, but it won't work thanks to Nero holding my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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