Chapter 60

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Rhagav's pov

"Come back Divya" ...

I don't know why but my eyes were moist while i was speaking, my voice choked...
I couldn't speak anything else, As if I couldn't find my voice.
Divya was looking into my eyes, her eyes spoke a lot..that her lips could not, there were mix emotions that her eyes held...
We looked at each other for how much long we don't know...but our moment broke when Aditi cleared her throat  before speaking ,
"Uhh..I think Divu..Rhagav is right you should probably go back today..I mean you need to rest and relax right?!!" She looked at Divya and than at Dhruv, who just shrugged his shoulders.
"No I mean it's you house, but since Rhagav came to take you back ...also most of work is done na!!???" Aditi spoke again seeing no response from Divya.

I was still holding on to her wrist, but now she was no longer looking at me, but staring at something behind me..her eyebrow furrowed...and eyes narrowed,  when I looked back it was too dark to understand who was actually standing there but I soon realized something so without wasting time I spoke "Yeah.. if the unpacking is done than Divya can come back, I mean only if she wants".. I again looked at her with helpless eyes, but to my surprise when Aditi came forward to touch Divya's shoulder seeing her lack of response, Divya shook her head and hugged Aditi then Dhruv and said a quick bye to them before sitting into our car's passanger seat.

We all stood there confused..trying to process what happened , after a while Dhruv spoke "Look Rhagav...don't upset her...this my my last warning I'm telling you, she isn't alone her brother is still alive, if you..." he stopped speaking when Aditi held his hand and glar at him shaking her head
"No it's ok Aditi..if I were at his place I would would have been mad too, not his fault..But I promise I'm genuinely trying this time Dhruv, I's just that I'm stressed know right?"
"Hmm I the way was it just me or did you also notice something rather someone behind you in the dark"
"Yepp I did notice...but we shouldn't talk here. Anyway I should take my leave..bye guys..good night" I hugged both of them and bid a good bye..before settling myself in the driving seat..

As soon as I said that Divya turned the music system on...shutting me out.
I took it as a sign to not to talk...
srarted the engine and accelerating the car, I started driving,and the music played..

When we reached about mid way the car suddenly stopped.
"What happened?" Divya asked for the first time in the evening..
"Uhh...I will go out and check," I said and came out of the car to check what actually happened...

The weather started deteriorating...I could see the flash in the sky the wind was fast. It's very difficult to predict the weather conditions in Delhi...when the report says it would rain it doesn't and vice-versa.

"The engine heated up, so we need to wait for a while" I said coming towards Divya..who was standing outside the car on the passenger side...
She just nooded.
"Divya..I are upset but I don't know what to say. It's so complicated.  But please listen to me" I stopped for a while to see Divya was looking at me with poker face so I continued.
"Divya that day I have no idea why and how She came into that party trust me I have never invited her, in fact I haven't even met her since she left..I don't love her Divya..after she left i was devastated thats true but..Trust me..I.."
"Trust" Divya cut me off with a bitter chuckled..and continued
"TRUST YOU..seriously Rhagav you are saying you even know what was I feeling..have you ever in these months EVER for a while consider my FEELINGS..No No you didn't all these while YOU were like a lost lover for your so called childhood love..I totally understand that you couldn't marry the love of your life and all but have you ever thought about me....I was also a part of this marriage..i was being a sandwich between your denial and our famalies..your feeling, your emotions, your love..what about me Rhagav!!??? what about me?!!All these months I have only been trying to convince myself that everything will be fine...but but that day was the limit of my made me feel like a a burden" And with that Divya whose voice was already heavy with emotions brust into tears and fell on her knees to the ground...all this while the my only thought was that I wanted to hold her tight in my arms,hug her, and let her pour her heart out...but I can't see her cry like this..but will.she allow me
"No..No don't say that" I tried speaking but my voice choked seeing her breaking down like that..even the sky was shedding tears on her out brust..I'm relief atleat she spoke her heart out today..Atleast I know...I guess I already knew but Hearing from her I know where and how to repair the damage now..I need explain my part to her tell my part of the story..that

I kneeled infront of her and took her in my arms with fear and hesitation..of what if she doesn't like it.
Seeing her not protesting I heaved a sign of relief and held her tight, her body was shaking vigorously..after a while she seemed to calmed down.. her body stopped shaking.. I still didnt let her go but kissed her hair before speaking" I have to say something to you Divya..rather confess my part of story..please will you allow me to.."


What do you think will be Divya's reaction and what is he about to say???

Anyway Thankyou so much guys for reading.
I will meet you in the next chapter, until then take care..

Bye bye
-pritihearts 💞💞
Love love ❤️ ❤️

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