Chapter 11: Older Taller Stronger

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Once they found out where the radio was, Clarke rounded up some others and they all went off trying to find it. Although I'm not sure what's the point as it's probably got water damage and the wires don't work. I decided to stay back as I couldn't deal with Bellamy's attitude or even Clarke blaming it on me. But what I figured out quickly once I left was that I had no clue where the camp was.

After walking around aimlessly for what felt like hours, the sun had set and it was almost pitch black. While walking around I heard a loud bang then an explosion in the sky, fireworks. It was a vibrant purple which went into a cool blue colour and although it didn't last long it was still beautiful. After staring at the sky a little longer, to see if they'd set more off, it then came to me. Why would they be shooting fireworks? They're just showing every grounder where our camp is. Unless something is wrong.

Sooner or later my legs began getting weak and my arm was aching, I needed to sleep. Giving up with the idea of finding camp I decided to wait till morning, hoping the sunlight would give me a better chance. Making do with what I could, I tried to build some sort of shelter. I remember taking a class on how to build a shelter with our survival skills teacher, Pike. To be honest I was never good at it.

Grabbing whatever logs I can find I try my best to wedge them between two trees but it's quite hard barring in mind I only have one working hand. Then I start layering leaves and smaller twigs on top to create the layers. Now it isn't perfect but it's something, right?

Resting my head on the dirty floor, I wish more than anything to be back on the ark in my room. I wish to be back with my dad.

Closing my eyes, I hope to get some rest.


After tossing and turning the whole night I don't think I even got a wink of sleep but the sun began to rise meaning I'd need to continue with my search for camp. The sunrise was actually quite pleasant. Most of the mornings I'd either have slept in or been too occupied by something happening to actually stop and take in the beauty of it all.

Staring up at the mixture of colours in the sky, I think about how much better it looks from the ground than up in space. Although I do miss the ark, playing games and running around with my friends used to be my favourite thing before I got locked away. But nothing can beat that feeling of first stepping onto the ground. That fresh grass smell in the morning and the feeling of the hot sun shining upon your face is just so beautiful.

I didn't pay much attention to my arm, but since I have been away from camp the cloth wrapped around it has become all loose and dirty. If I do find camp today I can just get Clarke to re-bandage it and hopefully nothing messed up. Whatever Clarke did helped because it didn't hurt as much as I thought a broken arm would.

But after taking in the gorgeous sky I decide it's probably best if I try to make my way back to camp. Picking up my knife and putting my coat on I look back at my shelter one last time before walking towards where I saw the fireworks last night. Hoping that maybe they would lead me the right way.

"Elena!" Someone shouts. I turn towards the direction my name was called in and see a girl from camp, I'm not quite sure of her name but I know she's part of the 100.

"Finally, you know I thought I was going to have to sleep on the floor again," I say as I sigh in relief and walk towards her with a huge smile on my face.

"The camps have been looking for you and Octavia everywhere. Where did you guys go?" She questions. Octavia? What does she mean?

"Octavia? I wasn't with Octavia, I hadn't seen her since her fight with Bellamy. Has she gone as well?" I ask her, my face full of concern.

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