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Chapter 24


It didn't take long for Percy to come to a revelation: he hated caves. The stale air mixed with the faint smell of moldy rocks brought back some bad memories for him. The lack of sunlight inside the hollowed out mountain reminded him of Tartarus, and he was not too fond of that. It was a weird kind of reverse nostalgia that Percy could not explain, but it was not very pleasant. He was starting to wonder more and more why he even volunteered for this assignment in the first place.

Small Bob, however, couldn't care less. He would find any possible surface to lounge on, even tiny ledges 30 feet up that left Percy very confused on how he even got there in the first place. He was jealous of his cat's ability to adapt to any situation. Cute lucky bastard, he thought to himself.

He didn't have a chance to really meet the team, because less than 20 minutes after they arrived, Dinah came and suggested a two week long retreat for them that she would personally supervise to help with their mental health, and to also let Percy familiarize himself with the cave by himself. It had been five days so far, and he was so bored.

The technology of the cave was impressive, sure, but no one taught him how to work any of the equipment, which meant that all he knew how to use was the microwave and coffee machine, and even those were way too needlessly complicated. How many damn buttons does a coffee machine even need, anyways? It was enough to tempt him to smash the coffee machine into a wall, which he didn't, but he was tempted. Multiple times.

While wallowing in his boredom, the Zeta tube lit up. He stared at the portal, confused, as the team wasn't expected back for another 9 days. But when a large, six foot three man clad in armor the color of midnight walked in, a cape fluttering behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As Percy walked up to greet the man, he realized he didn't move as he walked towards him. He just stood there, studying Percy as he approached. Even though he was nothing more than a mortal man, something said this man was dangerous, but he remembered Diana saying that was just the way the man was. Guarded, cautious, reliable. He decided to ignore the weird feeling and held out his hand to greet his guest.

"Batman! Welcome to my humble abode." The Bat returned the gesture, still now saying a word and instead looking around the cave, as if mapping out every possible nook and cranny a filthy criminal could be lurking in. Okay, he thought to himself. He really isn't much of a talker.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence, he finally spoke. "Maelstrom?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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