Chapter 2 - First Mission

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A/N Thanks for everyone who read my last chapter, these first few are going to be test chapters in a sense. So without further ado, please enjoy.
Friendly reminder, I do not own any of the characters, their respective owners do (Rick Riordan/DC Comics).

Ch. 2

Mt. Justice

Three days earlier

Wally, Robin, Kaldur'ahm and Superboy were all in the kitchen area of Mt. Justice, waiting for Red Tornado. All of them were extremely bored with waiting.

"Think they'll give us a mission here soon, Robin? I don't know if I can live on like this!" Wally was complaining running around the kitchen counter eating sandwiches as he went.

"It's only been four days Wally, you have to be patient."

Recognize Batman - 02
Recognize Black Canary - 13

"Aye, that's what's up! Let's go guys!" Wally sped off to go see what the two Leaguers were here for, everyone else following close behind. As they got there, Red Tornado came down from his apartment in the ceiling and stood next to Canary. "Is there a mission assignment Batman?" Kaldur asked.

Batman shook his head no. "I'm here for two reasons Aqualad. One is to inform all of you that Canary will be overseeing training from now one." With that he nodded to Canary to speak. She stepped forward and raised her hands. "It is my honor to be selected to train you all. I hope you guys give me your best, because that's all you guys will be getting out of me."
Wally, being Wally, elbowed Robin lightly and whispered, "You know, this doesn't seem too bad." With that, he winked at Dinah and Robin had to resist the urge to slap his head. Superboy just grunted.

Kaldur spoke up next. "Thank you Batman, Black Canary. We will try are hardest to not let you guys down. And what was the second thing you guys came for today?"

Batman pointed to the Zeta Tubes. "I'm introducing you to your new teammate today."

Recognize Martian Manhunter - 07
Recognize Miss Martian - B05

"This is Martian Manhunters neice. She will be joining your guy's team as of today, and living here as well."

Superboy still remained impartial to this whole thing, while Robin and Kaldur went to introduce themselves. Only to be met by a speedster in front of them and the pretty green Martian.

"Hello there beautiful, I'm Wally, and that's Robin, Kaldur, and Superboy. But you can call me yours," grinning and winking at the girl. She just smiled and waved at everyone, not noticing Kaldur's and Robin's look of embarrassment at his first impression. To be honest though, the two expected nothing less.

"Hello everybody, my name is M'gann M'orzz, but you guys can call me Megan," beaming at everyone as she introduced herself. "I'm liking this gig more and more every minute," Kid Flash breathed under his breath, smiling.

"Now that that's done, I will be taking my leave. I will let you guys know if I have any missions for you guys." And with that Batman turned and Zeta Tubed out. Black Canary shook her head smiling, at Wally's antics or Batman's straight forwardness, the team wasn't sure. "I will be back to begin your training tomorrow, but for now, get to know your new teammate a little bit," then she Zeta Tubed out, leaving only Martian Manhunter behind to hug his Neice one more time before leaving. "I hope you fit in here child. Good luck." M'gann hugged her Uncle. "I'll try not to let you down Uncle Jon, thank you so much!" After releasing from the hug, the older Martian took one last look at the team before turning and heading off.

Megan turned to her new teammates, smiling. "So guys, what should we do now?"

"Maybe a tour of the place would be recommended first to get yourself familiar with the place," Kaldur spoke up. "Oh that's a great idea, follow me Beautiful, I'll show you around the place." Kid flash then started to lead her through the cave while this time, Aqualad and Robin both face palmed.

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora