Chapter 11 - Adam

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A/N New chapter guys. Just wanted to clarify something, I see some people wondering why Wonder Woman is able to go toe-to-toe with Percy and why it's her teaching him his domains. I'll explain a little in a later chapter, but short version is this: I'm using comic book WW. She is the most powerful female hero in the DC Universe, and she was blessed by the Olympians. She had to figure out how to use her power, and she even became the God of War for a brief period so she knows about domains. That'll come up later in the story. Also, Batman stated himself that she is the best Melee fighter in the world. A lot of people don't know about some of her comic book powers that I'm going to be using so be prepared for those. With a lot of these characters I'm using their comic book counter parts, and let me just say if anyone knows about comic book Lucifer, well let's just say I'm excited for that fight later on when they both aren't holding back. Now, onto the story!

Chapter 11 - Adam

Raven's first mission quickly turned into a disaster. The team was split up, and she was by herself, trying to stay hidden from the powerhouse that was now hunting them. What had started out as a chance to prove herself had quickly turned into a game of survival, and she wasn't liking her chances.

Batman had sent the team to an abandoned shipping yard in Jump City because of some magical interference that had caused some of the buildings nearby power to go out, and it was supposed to be strictly recon. Let's just say, it didn't stay that way for long.

Raven tried using the mind link to see if anyone had eyes on their target.

"Does anybody see him?"

"No, currently trying not to see him!" Voiced Wally, who knew who she was talking about.

"I see him, and I want a rematch." Huffed Superboy.

"SB, that's a bad idea! This guy has gone against Supes and won! That strength combined with magic is a tough combo to go against for any Kryptonian. We need to call the League!"

"Come out, little heroes! Anyone who stands in the way of me and making sure that Khandaq is safe is an enemy of mine!"

Wally of course couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Um, how exactly are we keeping you from doing that? It just seems like you want to kill us man!"

Black Adam smirked, zeroing in on Kid Flash's voice. Faster than even Wally could react, Adam was behind the shipping crate he was hiding behind. KF yelped, trying to speed away, but Adam was faster and caught him by the neck.

"I see the League now sends children to do their bidding. Pathetic and Barbaric." The next instant though, Adam's face was met with Superboy's fist, causing him to drop Wally, who coughed and sped off.

Black Adam glared at the clone in annoyance. "Back for another beating? You Kryptonians never learn." Superboy snarled and launched himself at the man in a blind rage.

Meanwhile, now that Adam was occupied Robin was trying to find the person Adam was meeting with: Dr. Crane.

When they had arrived, they saw Adam and Scarecrow conversing, but after their cover was blown, almost immediately, Scarecrow vanished.
"Does anybody have eyes on the doctor?"

"A little busy here! Oof!"

"I see him, he is currently trying to escape in a white van. Me and Kaldur are pursuing," Voiced M'gann.
Robin had to bite back a curse, if he was already in the van and driving, he would have to focus his attention on Adam. Problem was, he wasn't sure how to take down the beast of a man. He made his way over to where Superboy and now Raven, were doing combat. Superboy was not having a good time, even with Raven's assistance. Every time he punched the significantly larger man, his punches seemed to just bounce off of him. Raven was trying her best to restrain him with tendrils of shadows, but he kept
breaking through them as if they weren't even there.

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now