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"WHERE THE HELL WAS EVERYONE WHEN THIS WAS HAPPENING?" Prem yelled at the top of his lungs while Meera tried to calm him down. Prem and Meera had returned to their place through the evening flight. Everyone was filled with joy as soon as they entered the house together but hell broke loose when Prem told them about his conversation with Leher.


None of us were home when this had happened between the couple, leaving us all schocked. Dadi and Dadu had gone to their village for a break while I and Rahul had gone out for a brunch date, Dad was in the company and mom had gone out with her friends. We asked Leher bhabhi and Abhi bhai to join us as no one was home but he said that he wasn't interested.

None of us had a clue that Abhi bhai would take this step. Leher bhabhi had not taken even a step out of her room nor did she agree to talk to us anytime soon. There was no sight of Abhi bhai in the house or the company or any other possible locations not did he lift our calls.

This is going to be tough for them. I let out a loud sigh while Prem bhai was trying to contact Abhi bhai's friends. "Hello? Arjun, is Abhi with you?" after a 10 seconds pause we heard cut the call and closed his eyes.

"So, no one knew? About their fight?" He was trying his best to control his anger within himself while Meera bhabhi was rubbing his back. We all hung our heads low as a 'no' causing him to take deeper breathes.

That's when Papa entered the house. "What's happening here- Meera? Bacche when did you come back?" She went closer to papa and took his blessing while he happily welcomed her back home not aware of the serious environment. "Papa," we heard Prem bhai's stone cold voice, "Abhi and Leher are thinking of getting a divorce," he let out the most disappointing news while looking at his feet. Rahul explained the whole scenario to Papa while he still couldn't comprehend the news.

"And none of us knew about the issue?" We could here the disappointment in Papa's voice making me feel guilty to the core. I was there with Leher bhabhi for so many days and not once she let me see her sadness. She always stayed cheerful which made us think things were finally changing between her and her better half but apparently not.

"Okay, fine," Papa sighed loudly, "Meera, go and talk to Leher this instant. If she doesn't open the door, use the master key. She needs someone to talk to. She can't stay in the room all day, that'll make her condition worse," Meera bhabhi nodded her head and went upstairs. "And about Abhi, Rahul go to our farm house, he might be there. If not then call Dadu and ask them if he's there," "Yes, papa."

I went upstairs with Rahul and packed a small bag with a spare pair of clothes and charger. "Rahul?" I called out for him while he hummed in a response. "Everything will be fine, right?" I asked him, trying to be positive. "Everything will be okay once they come to a conclusion. You don't overthink about it and stay with Leher bhabhi as much as possible, hmm?" he assured me while holding me close to him.

"Yeah, I will. You travel safely. Keep calling us, okay?" I said as I threw my hands over his shoulders, "It's a 4 hour drive from here, madam," he chuckled at my overthinking while I shook my head.

"Okay, now get going," I managed to get him out of the room and lead him downstairs. He took Papa's and Mom's blessings and left. I turned around and went and sat near a crying Maa. "Maa, please don't cry. Everything will be alright," I tried comforting her but nothing seemed to work, after all her son had gone missing without a single trace and her daughter-in-law wouldn't talk to her about her problems.

It was hard on her too and it was very much visible.

"Maa-" before I could papa interrupted, "Jharna, beta go and help Meera out. I'll be with your mom," he patted my head while I nodded my as I was disappointed at our current situation. "Yeah, papa," With that I left to go Leher bhabhi's room. I could hear Meera bhabhi talking and I didn't want to interrupt so I sat outside for a while.

I wonder what happened that led to this outrage between them. It must've hurt Leher bhabhi a lot for her to take this huge step.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Prem bhai's voice. "Jharna? Why are you sitting here like this?" he questioned. "Meera bhabhi was talking to leher Bhabhi and I didn't want to disturb them so," I looked down because of the embarrassment. "Hmm, okay. Go inside now, they're fine now," I nodded my head and went in.

"How are you feeling, bhabhi?" That was the first thing I said when I entered the room. "Much better, thank you," she gave me a soft smile and patted my head. Still so graceful when heartbroken, I need to learn a lot from her. I hugged her and she returned it back. "Thank you, that was much needed," I chuckled at her response and looked at Meera Bhabhi.

She looked stressed. Of course. Everyone in the house was stressed because one- their divorce news that was blasted out of nowhere and two- Bhai going missing without any contact. Divorce might not be a huge issue for some people but it was for us. I shook my head as an understanding and went out to get the dinner ready.

I went into the kitchen and got out the plates and walked to the dining area. Maa sitting on the chair near the dining table, staring into complete void. "Maa," side hugged her and rubbed her shoulder to bring her back into reality. She was overthinking a lot.

She was the mother that I never had. From the moment I entered the house, I was treated with nothing but love and respect from her and in fact by the whole family. Though it has been a small amount of time, I've gotten attached to them completely.

"Maa, come have dinner," I served her food in a plate and kept it in front of her. "Do you think they'll get divorced?" She looked up at me with her red eyes. I couldn't get an answer out of my mouth. "Maa, everything will be alright," I assured her while she nodded her head. I made her eat her dinner and made sure she went to sleep without any overthinking.

Though it is the hardest for the couple, Maa was hurt too. First it was Meera bhabhi leaving, now it's Leher bhabhi. Imagine seeing your four children getting separated. I know Maa only had all the negative thoughts running in her head but as of now, she needs rest.

After leaving Maa in her room, I went up to call both the bhabhis for dinner. "Bhabhis, dinner is ready," I said it in a cheerful manner with a bright smile, trying to uplift their mood. They chuckled at my behaviour and went down to eat. Thank god it worked , I thought to myself and went to my room to get my phone and call Rahul.

As I was about to call him, I received a call from him. I happily answered the call with a smile playing on my lips.

"Hello-" "Jharna, ask dad to call me immediately. Looks like he doesn't have his phone with him," it sounded urgent so I rushed downstairs and asked Papa to call him back. I went into his room and got his phone. He dialed Rahul's number in a hurry and waited for him to answer the call.

"Hello, Rahul?" I could only hear a low voice from the other end. Papa cut the call and went into the dining room where everyone else was there and I followed him.

"Abhi has been admitted in a hospital near the outskirts of the city," I could see Leher bhabhi stiffen. "Pa-papa," I could hear her voice shudder in disbelief as she tried to comprehend his words.

"We don't know what happened just yet so everyone pack your bags, we'll get Abhi discharged as soon as possible and stay in our village for some days. And I expect everyone to be ready without any argument about this," with that he left the while Leher bhabhi was still stuck on the first news.




What do you think will happen now?
Will Abhi be fine?
Will Leher stay the same?
Let me know what you think will happen<3

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