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That was the longest night spent by the family members. All of them were lost in their own theories about the current situation, making their own reasonings but Leher was suffering because of the news of her husband.

Meera and Jharna stayed with Leher for the rest of the night and helped her pack a bag for her and Abhi while Prem packed their bags alone in his room, still overthinking about the situation. Rahul spent the night at the hospital with Abhi.

"Leher, don't worry. He'll be fine for sure," Meera tried assuring her but at this point nothing could keep her calm.

Though they are getting divorced, he's still her husband who she loves to the end of the world. She doesn't know what happened to him, what kind of injury he has or if he's okay?

All these thoughts were eating Leher up while Meera and Jharna tried their best to make her feel better.

The lights turned off in the Mukherjee Villa, with each room filled with their own worries and fears.


"Jharna, quick! We have to leave," Meera called out for her from the living room. They were leaving to go to the hospital and then from there they'd go to their village.

As soon as Jharna came down with her luggage, they all exited the house with hopeful thoughts and a positive mind, except for one person.

They got divided into two cars and started to go to their destination. Prem, Meera and Jharna in one car and Maa, Papa and Leher in another.

Though Meera was scared that Leher might overthink and blabber something in front of her in-laws, she knew that Leher had to talk to them.

"Maa," Leher looked up from her kurti and called her but only got a hum as a response. "I'm sorry," she quickly looked down to not tear up in front of her mother-in-law.

"Leher? Why are you sorry? What did you do?" She asked, concern written all over her face.

"Maa, Abhi's accident, our divorce and everything. I'm sorry," she let out a low sob while still not being able to look in Maa in her eyes.

"Leher, look at me," she held Leher's cheeks and make her look up.

"You and abhi are my children. I won't show partiality between you guys. He got into an accident because of his carelessness, not because of you and about the divorce, I'm sure you guys have your own reasons and will figure it out," she let out the last words with a sad smile while trying to calm Leher down.

Leher nodded her head as an understanding and finally putting her mind to rest. The heavy weight on her heart slightly weighed less now.

Rekha could understand Leher's tension but she didn't know she'd blame herself for it. Though Abhi is her own son, she never showed any difference between both of them.

Leher slowly drifted off to sleep because of not being able to rest for several hours.

In the other car Prem was fuming with anger while both the women couldn't help him in any manner.

"Abhi couldn't have spoken to us? Are we invisible to him or are we not close enough?" He hit the steering wheel in frustration while Meera let out a loud sigh for the hundredth time.

"Premji, you have to stop," she rubbed the back of his neck to calm him down but it couldn't help him apparently.

"Meera, an accident is not a joke! How could he be so careless?" Meera nodded understandingly and closed her eyes to relax herself.

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